Merriest Little Christmas to You – 2021

‘Twas two nights before Christmas, sparklin’ tree in my home,

As I sat in the hot tub, wishing for Shalom.

One stocking was hung by the chimney with care,

Sewn by me, when two small boys were still there.

Oliver nestled asleep in his crate,

Dreamin’ of doggie treats and how they’d taste great.

Later watching old movies, my nest feelin’ just right

I’d just snoozed off for restful sleep in the night

When my cell phone did rumble and ding with a clatter

From my Bestie, CC, checking on what was the matter.

I told her through words I was surely okay,

She promised to check in the very next day.

With the Christmas Star shining, what could make me so blue?

Two years you’ve been reading, widow’s grief’s struck anew

Again, with a movie my focus, trying to relax,

The cell phone complained, the quiet now cracked.

Just Sweet Daughter checking from so far away.

Always knowing how to read me, and just what to say.

“Things will be brighter, just remember the good.

Sleep well, time will heal your heart, it should.”

Hope, Faith, and Trust, I depend on tonight.

Santa is great, but these three do delight

My soul although weary, battered, and blue

Has Hope for tomorrow, and Faith comes anew.

When the phone complained again, just once more for good measure,

A new friend checked in. One more that I treasure.

Company tomorrow? Dinner brought to Miss Lazy?

“Can you check tomorrow?”



Am I crazy?????

After a night’s sleeping, I’m not near as grumpy,

Not feeling so blue and down in the dumpy.

Today will be one to get Christmas just right

With Hope, Faith, and Love, my spirit takes flight.

Down with the sadness, self pity, and blues.

Up with Carols, treats, and friendships true.

Thanks CC, Thanks Miss Firecracker, both of you know

When troubled about life, to you I go.

Thanks Daughter, TJ, and Cambria Goddess, too,

What would I do without my Christmas angels, You?????

Heart smiling, I’ll enjoy a great dinner tonight.

Christmas Eve and Day will be just right.

So Dash Away, Dash Away, Dash Away all.

Off to the grocery store, down to the mall.

Finish the wrapping with ribbons and bows,

With love for each other, happiness grows.

I send you this, My Christmas wish true,

Merry Christmas, Dear Friends, with love to you.

Thank you for finding interest in my writing while helping me get through my second Christmas as a widow. Your steady love, friendship, and prayers are helping me grow stronger every day.

Merry Christmas to you all. Joy