Memories Are the Best Gift

These days, there are online instructions for everything. How to change out a faucet, bake bread, train the dog, and even, guidelines for figuring out Love Languages. If you haven’t ever looked up that last one, you might consider it. Miscommunications in relationships can occur if you speak a different love language than your partner, friends, and family.

Information about Love Languages isn’t a new concept. I remember hearing a lot about it in the 1900’s. VST and I were a match with our LL’s, speaking the same dialect. Through the years, spending quality time together was our thing. I would’ve chosen time with VST while working on the worst farming project over anything or anyone else in the world. We were just matched that way. It helped in retirement, then finding ourselves together 24/7.

A co-worker found this confusing. In her opinion, VST could die, and I’d be left with no bosom-buddies. At that time, all of them enjoyed after-work activities while VST and I worked the farm together. It wasn’t really a choice. Farm work needs to be done whether it was 5 AM or 5 PM. That I could be happy spending time working with VST was a mystery to the group.

Now, he surely is gone and she turned out to be correct. There are many, many lonely days when I wish I had a gaggle of girlfriends with which to play. Slowly, I’m making a group. One thing is for sure. I would NEVER EVER trade the memories I made with VST for memories made with girlfriends.

There are five basic Love Languages. Christmas is a great time to research these, wanting to find the perfect gift for your someone special. In the early years, VST and I would wrap up gifts we thought would amaze. Usually we ended up spending a day after Christmas in the return line, our feelings a little bruised from the experience.

Finally, we decided that we’d make Christmas shopping a tandem event, selecting gifts while spending time together. Shopping for ourselves and each other on Christmas Eve morning, it was time to talk, laugh, and relax. Becoming our tradition over the years, it was those morning hours together that I remember now. I’d be hard pressed to tell you what we bought, but, I can remember the fun we had shopping together in empty stores because most of the town’s folk were already done. For both of us, Quality Time was our number one Language of Love. Receiving Gifts ranked last.

The following are the Five Languages of Love.

  1. Words of Affirmation.
  2. Quality time.
  3. Receiving Gifts.
  4. Acts of Service.
  5. Physical Touch.

There are online quizzes one can take to discover in what order of importance they are for you. If you’re lucky enough to have a special someone, have them take the quiz too, while finding out how you compare. In the end, when everything else is said and done, beautiful memories are left with loved-ones when death comes. VST left enough wonderful memories to last until my forever ends.

This Christmas, think about giving a special memory to those you love the best. Plan an unexpected activity. Sing Christmas Carols. Go play in the snow or take a walk on the beach. Cook a special meal together, or just take a nice walk and talk about life. Making memories will never go out of style or be returned because it’s the wrong size.

For the next few days, I’ll be transforming into someone one a year older. Meeting up with friends, we’ll share meals full of fascinating conversation. Somewhere along the line, I’ll grab a piece of birthday cake and remember all the wonderful parts of being 65. 66 is ripe with possibilities of adventure. I can hardly wait to get started.

Have fun with whatever your week holds. I’ll check back on Monday to report on the happenings from my dusty little town in the middle of a wide spot in the road nestled on the high desert plains of Northern Nevada. Until then, make some new holiday traditions and don’t forget to enjoy the old ones !! Joy