Friday Frolics

Getting an earlier than usual start this morning, I’ve much to do today. Everything must be in tip top shape, because T and K are arriving around noon. I haven’t told Oliver yet, but he knows something is up. Snow fell for the first time yesterday leaving my little town looking festive, nestled under the surrounding mountains.

With clam chowder in the crock pot, I’m going to the beauty salon this morning for a trial run. I’m getting eyelashes. Not sure how this will turn out. I’m not going for the heavy, black gypsy look. Just something that looks natural. If your old like me, life can strip away natural lashes little by little. This morning I’ll find out whether this was one of my better ideas or not. I don’t know anyone else who has been crazy enough to do this, so stay tuned. It may be another “Lucy” idea.

Somewhere today, I need to bake a Sugar-Free Apple Pie. Trying to eliminate sugar anywhere I can, I often bake with Splenda. So far, every substitution I’ve tried has been delicious, so this will be a new one. Just a simple apple pie recipe using Granny Smith apples.

My grandmother’s apple pies are where I set my bar. It would be wonderful if I could pop back in time and walk out to her big old apple tree to pick 8 for my pie. From that tree, I would need only 4. My grandparents would laugh at the size of the apples, some approaching dinner plate size. No pre-cooking was necessary, because the apples baked down to a warm and gooey mixture of cinnamon, butter, cream, and yummy-ness, all wrapped up in a perfectly browned crust.

These pies would just appear in the summer, warm and fragrant. Grammie made it seem like it was nothing at all. I wish it were that effortless. Making a butter crust isn’t all that easy. And, then, there’s the mess afterwards. But, today, that’s on the list.

T and K want to visit Pastor C’s gun store to do a little Christmas shopping. I have lots of little fix-it projects for T while K and I visit. Our time together is such a blessing.

Tomorrow, I’ve dedicated the day to helping at the church. I can’t wait for the 8th Annual Christmas Dinner tomorrow night. With any luck at all, I’ll have some time to rest before arriving at 4 PM to help Miss E. I’m planning to stay until the last crumb is swept up in preparation for Sunday services and my Baptism.

Life is one giant blessing. At this special time of year, be sure to remember why we celebrate. Practice the TRUE meaning of Christmas. Help out where you can. Be kind. Smile. Sing some Christmas carols. Make a snow man. Hug someone special. Enjoy being alive.

I’ll be back Monday. Until then, stay safe and have a wonderful weekend.