Quiet Prayers on Main

Last night, after miles of driving and more shopping, it was again time for Wednesday night Bible Study at 6 PM. Class with Pastor C begins at 6 PM, however, choir practice starts at 5. With a tiny little group of 7, these dedicated men and women sing hymns of praise, bringing life to the the Worship Service on Sundays. To be able to hear them practice on Wednesday before Bible Study is a treat well worth going a little early.

During this time, I rest my brain and listen to the lyrics of the hymns. I think back to a little blonde girl sitting on hard wooden pews in the German church her Great Grandparents helped build. Not sure in what capacity they helped, but, everyone in the farming community did help in some way. The church is truly beautiful with stain glass windows and gorgeous woodwork. It’s odd how one little hymn at Baptist on Main can trigger instant tears linking my then with my now.

Last night, a dear sweet friend, Miss Butterfly (Miss B) came early, as well. She is lovely in every sense of the word. Sensitive and caring, she is battling something very complicated and horrible having limited memory of her past, either immediate or distant. Fully capable and in the present, she is aware of her difficulties. In spite of something so serious, she puts one foot in front of the other and carries on, finding ways to work through life. She is truly an amazing woman, being one of the strongest I have met in a very long time.

We’ve decided to be phone buddies and text each other morning and night. Two single women need to watch out for each other. Last night, she was troubled and tearful after an exceptionally trying day. When I misplace something I need or want, frustration can be overwhelming. But, it passes when the lost item is finally found. I can’t imagine going through this every minute of every day. Through our conversations, we both found a reason to smile and then even chuckle at things that get us so upset.

She was the first to point out that worrying about yesterday is just a waste of time anyway. Things have already happened that can’t be changed. Focusing on tomorrow is not so good either. Functioning in the moment. Now, that is truly what life is all about. What a lovely and insightful woman. She is a true friend, indeed.

Another sweet friend came to join us, troubled in her own right. With a very ill and stubborn family member at home, she came needing a healing last night. Another favorite friend, she is desert gal strong. When I think of everything these two women face each and every day, I need to count my blessings. I’m sure my days of troubles are on the horizon. For every day without heartache, we all need to rejoice and be thankful.

In the middle of our conversation, we were asked to quiet ourselves. The choir had stopped practicing. It was time to have serious prayer at the alter for two church members facing some pretty significant health challenges. With a handful of people present, the most beautiful group prayer began. The evening light was just so, and the presence of the Holy Spirit WAS the room. Each person in the small choir said their own personal prayer. God surely heard us last night, in the very quiet and early hours of the evening on the alter at the little church on Main. May his Mercy shine upon us all.

The hour of teaching about Proverbs fly by. Pastor C talked about ways in which people can be spiritually lost. I saw myself in each example, but also know I was found when I first walked into this little church, rich with an extraordinary group of Believers.

Today, focus returns to preparations. There is clam chowder simmer and an apple pie to bake. Carpets to vacuum and dust to wipe. All this while the first storm of the year is here. No snow. Yet. Will it be a White Christmas? That remains to be seen.

Remember to enjoy the moment, for it is truly all we have. Have a wonderful day. More tomorrow.