Happiness Is a State of Mind

Happiness is a state of mind. It’s a healthy and safe garden in which I’m growing my new life. It flourishes in my heart with the help of CC, Da Girl, Ninja Neighbor, Teacher Girl, and all the friendship they so graciously share with me. I’m a lucky gardener grieving. Joy Hurt 12/2020

So many great friendships have grown in the garden of my life over the last twelve months. Even though I have no biological family in the area, my family of friends have helped me stay focused on moving forward. No easy task, for sure. For those that have wandered in one door and out the other I have nothing but respect and thanks for lessons I have learned along the way.

With the happiest of memories, I think back to meals at The Tee Pee Bar and Grill with Miss Firecracker. I miss you so much. I think of the mischief we would be creating were you still living just a couple miles up the road. I haven’t been able to drive down your street to see your house. It would only remind me of the times I showed up in your driveway to pick you up for dinner. We’d start talking the minute the door of the Jeep opened and not stop until we returned to your house. You’re someone else’s neighbor now, but, you will always and forever be my Miss Firecracker.

Last year, I was facing my first Christmas here at Winterpast. We had chosen our little town because, of all the places in the surrounding area, this place was reported to get the least snow. I still laugh at that. Last year, at one point, I had at least five inches of snow covering my property. This year, as I await the first snow of the year, I wonder what the next twelve weeks will hold. Mild and meek weather, or blizzards and wild winds. I suspect a little of both.

Today, the sunshine has again come out to play. Sitting in the hot tub this afternoon, the back fence neighbor was busy hanging Christmas lights. The neighborhood dogs were out to play, barking up a storm. Walkers walked, while people scurried to the store to stock up for the last few items before the storm does blow in.

T and K, VST’s twins (who are no longer kids but adults) are planning to drop in for a quick visit on Friday. To spend the evening with them will be such a treat. We share a rare kind of love for VST. With each visit, I try to send home a little more of him through pictures and belongings. There aren’t many of his physical possessions left sitting around the house. A picture here, a gargoyle there. My most important possessions are 50 years of memories that lay deep within my heart. And, those, I’ll keep with me until I die.

While they are here, there are a few Fix It jobs I hope they can help with. Like, the HVAC filter. Why? Oh Why? Oh Why? The filter is placed on my vaulted ceiling at least 9 feet above the floor. At 5’5″ and 65 years old, the thought of tumbling off a ladder into the waiting complications of a broken neck, arm, or hip doesn’t sound appealing. Finding a good handyman is something on my list of things to do but not yet accomplished. Hopefully, we can get a few odd jobs handled while they visit.

Happy just to putt around today, I’m planning to shampoo some carpets. I need to run out and purchase the ingredients for the Best Sugar Free Apple Pie ever. T wants some award-winning clam chowder when they arrive. And just like that for an evening, Winterpast will be full of love and family, even if only for a few hours.

VST died his 65 year. From July 2019 until he died, he would comment on Speed Limit Signs. It bothered him when passing those that said “Speed Limit 65”. He would always point them out, almost as if they told him he wouldn’t pass 65. In reality, he never saw his 66th birthday. As I approach mine, I’m carrying him along for the ride. I can navigate the unchartered roads for us both. There are so many more things to see and do on my bucket list. He doesn’t weigh much now and can easily come along for the ride.

Yes. I’m happy. Although there are days when I need to fake it, most days, a genuine happiness nests in my heart. It isn’t dependent on things going just right, or a phone call to brighten my day. It just glows in my heart without doing anything at all. And for that, I am grateful beyond belief.

Have a wonderful day. More tomorrow.