Shop ’til We Drop

After laying low, I’m off to the Biggest Little City just West of here. It’s been a minute since I’ve ventured anywhere farther than church. I’ve enjoyed the days of laziness, but there comes a time when everybody needs a little retail therapy. Today’s my day.

Lately, I’ve tried something new. If I need staples other than food, like ink cartridges or spa chemicals, I rely on Amazon. It’s amazing how many things you can get at the drop of a hat. Just yesterday, I ordered two complete surveillance cameras to watch my front door and garage. In this day and age, a girl can’t be too careful. Ordered yesterday, they’re arriving today.

Spa chemicals that are on short supply at our local hardware store are delivered, keeping my cupboard full of necessary water treatments. Dog food and toys. Beauty products. Hard to find DVD’s of movies from the 1900’s. Everything arrives in great condition, saving me endless trips to the store.

To make this work efficiently, one must have a mental inventory of items on hand. Then, when you are down to 3/4 of a bottle, order again. Brilliant.

My Costco shopping is an online experience, too. The last time I went to Costco, a person was run down by a car in the parking lot . People were using their carts as weapons. Everyone was on a mission to the grab the last thing on their list and race to Check-Out. All while risking THE VIRUS. I’m done with that monthly excursion. There is nothing I need more than the comfort of home these days. Nothing from Costco, anyway.

That being said, there are some things I do need to do before I buy something. I need to feel the silkiness of a beautiful nightgown before I choose the prettiest one. I need to see how the color of a blouse enhances the blue of my eyes. I need to smell the fragrance of an upscale lotion to smooth dry skin. I need to experience the good fit of some kicky little suede pumps for a special dinner out. I need to hear the laughter of two besties giving thumbs up or down for a bad-ass pair of jeans or the perfect rainy-day sweater. Those are things you can’t experience with Amazon, no matter how convenient they make shopping.

With my list in hand, I’ll enjoy the drive while dodging the big rigs on the Interstate. The road crews are waiting for the big storm to begin. Snow plows and mounds of sand are at the ready. On stormy days, the Interstate is the safest route because it’s the most groomed. First storms of the year are always a time that people forget to slow down. I’m sure there’ll be plenty of accidents until people remember that winter roads call for caution.

After shopping, the girls and I are planning to lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant and get caught up on the news. Wish I had some earth shattering things to share with them, but I don’t. It’ll be like trying to think of new and wonderful things to share here. Somedays, the well is dry.

I’ll be taking some small vacations during the next four weeks. A friend in California needs some comfort. I need to go back to the San Joaquin Valley of Central California and touch base family and friends there. Christmas is a time to share real hugs with special people from the past. Oliver will be spending time with his friends at Puppy Camp. Planned months ago, he has a spot at the Inn and can’t wait to see his friends, too.

Have fun with whatever you choose to do today. Remember, Random Acts of Kindness cost nothing. A smile. A wave. A “Hello” that can lead you to a new friend. You just never know when your little bit of cheer might save the day for another. More tomorrow.