Faith Isn’t Just a Feeling

These days, it’s becoming more and more important for us to find strength through our faith. Faith enables us to show complete trust and confidence in something bigger than ourselves. Something not seen or completely understood. Change in our world is a certainty. Faith in something bigger helps us to hold on tight as the roller coaster of life gives us a ride to remember.

Losing VST in such an unforeseen manner was rather like losing someone in a car crash. Quick, certain, and final. Miss Firecracker and I have spent time comparing notes on the loss of our beloved spouses. We both agree, it was nothing for which we were prepared. Both our spouses were holding their own when cancer came knocking. Without rhyme or reason, they were the unlucky victims of such a horrible sentence. We were left over. Spent after surviving the wilderness of grief. Without faith, we wouldn’t have made it through. Period.

Faith isn’t a belief. It always amuses me when people believe in something. Children believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny. Others believe in certain doctrines, or the teachings of a certain political party. Beliefs can be easily shattered, or twisted when they’re tied up with egos and feelings.

To KNOW? Well, that’s to KNOW. I know I have lots of leaves to rake in my back yard. I know my trees will sprout anew in the spring after a nice winter’s rest. I know the cycle of life will continue. Birth, death, and everything in between. I KNOW God. He KNOWS me. By name. I won’t be a stranger when we finally meet face to face. I talk with him on a daily basis. I beg for forgiveness. I thank him for blessings overflowing. That is the basis of faith. KNOWING for certain that something unseen is real.

Right now, watching the changes molding our society into something new and different, I find comfort everything is going to be just as it should. As long as we are breathing, there is hope in a brighter tomorrow. With love, tenderness and kindness, hearts soften. Dreams help us chart a course of our own making. In the end, it may not be MY vision that is fulfilled, but, life will still be full of wonder and beauty.

When I’m in the garden, I breathe deeply as I rake up the yellow-gold leaves. In awe of their beauty, I feel so lucky to have trees that have given them to me. So blessed am I to have eyesight good enough to enjoy their brilliance for at least one more autumn. I’m ready for the adventure of winter, feeling fearless and happy. I hope that I’m well enough to rake again next year as the breezes play with the leaves, making me chase them just a little.

Get to know yourself. Be grateful for your own strength and tenacity Stay humble, showing kindness to those less fortunate. In kindness, you shine as your most beautiful self and others will admire your heart. As you walk on, each day be grateful for the progress you make. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, said Laozi. He must have had very strong faith. These days, my journeys are much more comfortable with the help of my little Jeep.

Enjoy today. Turn to your faith when you get down. Helping you get through hard times. be grateful for your accomplishments and achievements, no matter how small you think they are. If you are moving forward, you aren’t stuck in the mud. We’re all so lucky to be alive. We can all believe, but we also KNOW.

Faith. Enjoy it. Embrace it. Lean into it. With it, life is limitless.