A Hug From Heaven

When VST became ill, we were in the middle of a huge life change. The Dunmovin’ House in Virginia City was in escrow. Our new home, an hour East, was in a nice neighborhood, part of a town at a wide spot in the road. An “F” on a hill above the new neighborhood marked our spot on the high desert plains of Northwestern Nevada. Seventeen days before our move, VST died on an April morning in 2020. Packing became a chore for one lone woman lost in a widow’s fog of despair. Me.

Days turned into weeks turned into months into a year. With less frequency, I still run into things that aren’t mine. Sad reminders of the beautiful life we shared which stopped on April 8, 2020. These beloved belongings need to be returned to children that long for their dad as much as I do. T and K are the twins to which I send VST’s precious belongings.

One day while cleaning out a closet, I ran across a coat that belonged to VST. VST was a clothes horse if there ever was one. He easily filled two very large closets with everything from jeans and sweats to two (not one but two) tuxedos. He had dress shirts in every shade of blue. Ties, ties, and more ties. Shoes of every type. Socks in every color. VST loved clothing.

The particular coat I held was one of his favorites. His scent had faded, but, in my mind’s eye, I could see him wearing it. During the beginning months of Covid, I had to dispose of much of his clothing in the worst way. All thrift stores were closed. No one was collecting clothing for the poor. And besides, dress shirts that need ironing don’t appeal to a wide variety of people. Sadly, I did the only thing I could. They were discarded at the local landfill in a flood of tears as I prepared for the movers who charged by volume.

This coat had made the cut with memories so strong. But now, what? I couldn’t keep holding on to the past. No matter the variety of clothing items I still had, VST wasn’t coming back for a weekend visit. It was time that the coat would go to his twins, T and K. They could decide who in their families might need a nice coat.

Little did I know that my adorable grandson would be that person. JJM grew much taller than his Papa VST. A senior in high school, he’s a thespian, just like VST. He sings like VST did when we met in high school, so very long ago. He’s handsome, wearing his heart on his sleeve. He adored his Papa VST, and felt the loss deeply. The coat was a perfect way to receive a hug from heaven.

His mom, K, sent me a little video as he was leaving for school last week. It wasn’t lost on my, his Grandma Joy, that he said “I Love You” to HIS dad as he left the house. His last October day as a high school-er. On his way to one of the last autumn days as a Senior, he wore his Grandfather’s jacket. Being so proud, his smile said it all. He’s on the young side of manhood. I remember his grandfather well at that age, over 50 years ago. JJM is a knock off the old block.

Proudly, he wore is Papa’s coat as he left for school. It fit as if made for him. His smile and happiness left a wonderful glow over their courtyard. Frozen in time through the video, how wonderful to hear his heartfelt “I Love You”. His dad is such a lucky guy. He not only has two sons that adore him, but the love of our beautiful K. VST and I did our best to teach our kids about love. VST, it seems we did okay.

Hugs from heaven are within our reach to give out as widows and widowers. They are within our reach to take for ourselves. Next to the jacket given to K is another one. A snow shoveling jacket that kept VST warm on cold winter mornings when the snow was thick and the air crisp. I made the mistake putting it on and taking a deep breath that morning. It was as if VST was around me, hugging me one last time. It took my breath away, leaving me in a puddle of tears for a time. A hug of my own from heaven. Something I, too, need once in awhile.

When deciding about belongings of those that are gone, consider those family members that are longing for a hug from your lost angel. A coat is so much more than a coat. It is warmth. Happiness. Smiles. A heavenly hug from an angel gone too soon.

Have a great day! More tomorrow.