Costco. A True Battle Zone.

Oh my.

I took off on an adventure yesterday to a place I used to enjoy. The hours and hours I’ve spent rolling up and down the aisles of Costco used to be amazing. In 1989, one of the first stores in California came to Central California. Being an amazing treasure trove of everything cutting edge and wonderful, my basket would be brimming at check out.

In those days, the associates were all known by name. It was fun to talk to Sylvia about her children as she scanned each item with her wand. She lived down the street from me, and we’d wave as she passed on her way to work. Anna always had the skinny on school issues. Marvin, in meats, could tell you lots of interesting things about upcoming events at the store. Being a membership only store, we treated each other like family. Hard to believe it, but we did.

Everyone knew we were the farmers with the two big dogs that ate one 40 pound bag of kibble every week. The associates knew that VST and I were a professional couple that farmed on the side. We never had to wait very long to get checked out, because we were faithful friends and customers. In those days, if the check out lines were full, the manager would open a lane to get us on our way. It was always fun to go to Costco. My how the years have changed things.

By now, the aisles should be full of Christmas decorations. In the old days, each year one special thing caught my eye. VST would slide it into the basket. Costco Christmas items were always the best quality, and often Made in the USA. My Christmas village was one of the first things we bought as newly weds. It fit so well in our little farm house, sitting atop the 1940’s dining room cabinets. Built in, they had a mirror above a center section of drawers, with two higher cabinets on either side. Since then, I’ve not found such a perfect place to display my tiny little town.

Yesterday, there was none of that. Now, I can’t complain. There were also NO empty shelves. Yes. The toilet paper was very low. But, as for the rest of the store, it couldn’t have been stocked more completely than it was. With a wide selection of this and that, the employees were doing a great job keeping up with the masses.

The problem was the masses. Rude. Arrogant. Rushing. Foolish. Zombie-like. How society has changed into a “Me First” group. It’s very sad. Every single aisle was open. But, of course, there were only two people checking receipts on the way out, causing everyone to form a line of hundreds stretching to the back of the building. I will never understand that procedure. Install more cameras. Make it digital. Do something other than physically looking at every single receipt.

At the meat counter, I asked the associate when the Thanksgiving turkeys were arriving. November 16th was the reply.

November 16th?????????

November 16th.

The thought of being anywhere around Costco from now until Christmas gives me a sick feeling in my stomach. Angry people who want what they want right now. Long before November 16th. With the state of our country, I am buying the very first turkey I see on the shelves. As of today, I’ve seen zero. It used to be that every store had a few turkeys in the frozen section. I like a turkey dinner once in awhile. There are special occasions that warrant a family dinner. Go take a look at your grocery store. I’d guess you’ll find no turkeys, either.

Just another American tradition being ruined.

Overwhelmed with our shopping adventure, we finally escaped only to find out that a person had been run over in front of the store. With a vehicle. With injuries. While the fire department and paramedics treated the person on the ground, we hurried in the opposite direction to load the truck and get out of there.

Folks. Plan time accordingly. Slow down. Take time to smile at one another. Be reasonable with Associates in any store. They are unsung heroes that are just doing their job. Say “Hello” to them by name. Smile at them. They aren’t part of the computerized system. They are tired and overwhelmed. Take note that they are not sitting at home because it’s easier to collect money from the government. Just that deserves a big Thank You.

With that little rant, I am off to clean Winterpast. So many things need dusting. With a bright a sunny day ahead, I need to rake a few leaves and take time for a soak in the hot tub. I’ll take time to hunt for the elusive turkey. Have a wonderful day, whatever you may do.