Sir Oliver, Gentleman of Ashworth Hall has a name that fits him well. The picture speaks a thousand works. Intelligent and intuitive, he knows everything about me, accepting that I’m a crazy chick-a-dee sometimes. He knows when to wag and when to bark. Sleeping with one eye open, he keeps tabs on Winterpast, especially any rogue toads. He’s my wonderful and devoted friend.
Dogs are strange creatures. They love so unconditionally, they’ll do anything we ask of them. In Ollie’s case, he does it more quickly if there’s a treat involved. Even 1/2 a treat is better than no treat at all. He’s growing into a gentleman, and years from now, will devastate me. Dogs have that flaw. They pack a lot into their short lives, and then, run off over the rainbow bridge.
Some people debate the presence of dogs in heaven. For all of you non-dog-loving types, get ready. In my version of heaven, ALL my dogs are waiting for me. From my first dog, Roscoe, to the last one, whom I may not have met yet, they’ll all be there wagging and waiting for a treat. Heaven wouldn’t be heaven without dogs.
VST wasn’t a dog person. He didn’t want to be bothered and hated a stray dog hair on his tux jacket. They smelled. They barked. They got in the way of travel. Yup. He disliked all dogs.
Until Oliver.
Oliver was a puppy that needed walking. I’m not a walker. VST walked. Being a problem solver, VST decided if the darn dog needed walking, he’d need to take time from his retired day and walk him, as I wasn’t. Just like that, VST started asking Ollie if he wanted to walk before Ollie asked him if they could. It was a little vision of sheer happiness as Ollie did cartwheels waiting for VST to put on his heavy knee braces, one strap at a time.
Off they would walk. One slightly crippled Bionic Cowboy and a crazy little puppy on the leash leading the way. Wiggling to the sound of VST’s cane clicking along, off they’d go for their walk. I could never tell who smiled more, but there was no doubt, it was enjoyable for both. Just like that, VST became a dog lover of the best dog in the world. Sir Oliver, Gentleman of Ashworth Hall.
VST taught Ollie the finer points of being a Gentleman. Don’t jump. Don’t hump. Don’t bark. Don’t bite. In general, be polite and listen to others. Wink once in awhile. It throws people off. It took a long time for Oliver to embrace the teachings, but, VST had all the time in the world. VST was a natural at dog training, even teaching Ollie to wink. Oliver misses his dad just like me.
Yesterday was grooming day. To many, it doesn’t make sense that Oliver’s services are so far away. He loves his people and they don’t live in our town. Being thumbless, he really can’t drive. Besides, he’s too short to reach the pedals, so we agreed, I’ll take him. He has a reputation to uphold, as we discussed in a post a few days ago. His favorite person is his groomer Sam, as in Samantha. They met years ago when VST was still alive. Sam is magical. Ollie melts in her presence and yesterday held his paw out for her to trim his nails. He’s grown up.
Arriving a little early, we went in to meet the gang for the day. Two Corgi’s and a Cocker Spaniel. Cockers are obviously Oliver’s type. This one was an old gray with soulful eyes. Thankfully, a GIRL. The Corgi’s were there to chaperone. With judgmental looks, they told me they already KNEW about HIM and would keep HER out of trouble. Their cold little gazes made me look away.
Quick as a cricket, Ollie was one of the pack. No butt sniffing needed, he had friends for the day, and would lead the pack. So happy, he looked back once with a big smile. “Thanks, Mom-Oh. This is so fun!”
Upon my return, another Cocker had replaced the first. ALSO A GIRL. A young blonde with long, long legs. Being short has never been a problem for Oliver. Commanding the room, he ran the place, just like a judge in a court. Being an alpha dog, other dogs find him a likeable short-guy with a big presence.
The best part of my experience was watching his happiness and excitement with the others. His loneliness disappeared and he was one happy dog. But even better was the moment he heard my voice. Running to the gate he wiggled in delight. I’m still his best girl. The one he loves the most.
Oliver slept the rest of the day. Dogs need their buddies. In a perfect world, there’d be a Lady Friend cuddling up with him on high desert nights. In the real world, Oliver is a bachelor and will remain so. Two dogs are one more than I can afford in time, patience, and dollars. I know he understands and accepts his place as an “Only”. He enjoys the many perks, and for now, we’re in agreement. He has it pretty good.
Today, have a chat with your furry friend. Play a round of fetch. Give a nice ear rub. Enjoy a nap together. Our pets are a wonderful blessing.