Say What You Need To Say

Song from “The Bucket List” Lyrics by John Mayer

Take all of your wasted honor
Every little past frustration
Take all of your so-called problems,
Better put ’em in quotations

Say what you need to say. 

Walking like a one man army
Fighting with the shadows in your head
Living out the same old moment
Knowing you’d be better off instead,
If you could only . . .

Say what you need to say.

Have no fear for giving in
Have no fear for giving over
You’d better know that in the end
It’s better to say too much
Than never to say what you need to say again

Even if your hands are shaking
And your faith is broken
Even as the eyes are closing
Do it with a heart wide open

Say what you need to say.

After just watching The Bucket List, I long for the days when movies made us think and strive to be better people. Little stories shown on screen making us reflect on who we are as quiet little individuals trying to live our best lives.

In these crazy days, people are so afraid to say anything. Everything is dissected, with words becoming weaponized. Worse than any nuclear war, ideas put into words have managed to divide a nation of family and friends. Friendly discussions have long since left the building. What’s left is a sad and empty carcass of despair. We all need to say what we need to say. Carefully. Thoughtfully. Taking time to listen for a response.

In case you haven’t seen The Bucket List, you really must do so. Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson play together on the screen as two men dealt horrible fates. What they do in three months is what anyone would dream of doing throughout a lifetime. With time and money, all things are within reach. When health is taken out of the equation, things get desperate and very real.

How I wish we could’ve had three months to put a bow on my own love story with VST. Instead, we had nine ugly weeks. At the end of our story, I’m thankful we said what we needed to say when it needed saying. Hands shaking and faith broken, when his eyes were closing, I said what I needed to say. I wished he’d been able to respond, but then, we’d shared everything long before. I just needed to say it all one more time.

It’s better to say too much than never to say what you need to say again.

Say what you need to say.