All Good Things Must Come To An End

To say this vacation has been fabulous would be an understatement. I didn’t know if I’d ever get to visit this little part of the Pacific Coastline again, let alone have such a splendid time. I will surely be sad as we drive away from the house house on the beach, already planning to reserve it again, and soon.

I visited with a Coastal Goddess and her golden locks, (still a little tangled from her daily drive down the coast), a true garden artist, and, of course, my beloved Auntie TJ, God Mother and best friend. I met a true American-Italian wine maker. I tasted some of the worst wines ever made, but also some award winners that deserved their titles. I enjoyed every minute.

Today will be filled with packing, having a few last minute places to visit. A search for fresh avocados, and one last drive south to crane my neck while searching for the zebra herd, left over from the days of William Randolph Hearst. I’ll have a last dinner at a favorite restaurant that overlooks a tiny inlet where otters hold their pups on their tummies near a rock where rare Peregrine Falcons nest.

Tomorrow I head out at Dark:30.

Whatever your weekend holds, make it grand. Traveling back to my dusty little town in the high desert of Northwestern Nevada on a wide spot of road next to the interstate, I’ll be glad to return home. The mustangs will be shaggier, the air crisp, and the nights cold. Golden leaves will cover Winterpast and life will return to normal.

I’ll be back on Monday!!