Living a Disciplined Life

Many people in this crazy world are unable to find a balance of work and play through discipline. Sometimes, I wonder why it is that organization is important to me. In the last few weeks, my daily routine has been turned upside down. Personal discoveries have shown me that being organized allows me to squeeze as much out of life as possible, down to the last drop. That’s the way I roll now, and will continue to roll.

The life of waking whenever to do whatever as the winds blow doesn’t work for me. Certainly not when I had major responsibilities as a young woman, and definitely not now. I find that sleeping too long creates stiffness in my old bones. Wasting the dark autumn mornings only leaves chores that need doing while the sun is shining outside. Missing an early morning soak in the hot tub, I find I’m missing my soaking time all together. Never a good thing. A definite schedule allows me to fit all the jigsaw pieces of my life in a pretty picture that I enjoy. There is time for each and every little piece.

Some people can just roll through a day, putting off chores until the next. Procrastination Central. Being an old woman of 65, I can’t do a long list of physical chores over an entire day. I need to do a little here and a little there, or I’ll pay for it in aches and pains. It’s just the way things are as I travel through my days in the Northwestern Nevada High Desert.

As a Teacher-Farmer-Mom decades ago, people would ask me how I remained organized to accomplish daily tasks. You start out that way. Make a decision to start organizing and stick to it. For me, it’s now a way of life.

Where I’m struggling with discipline is in the area of my diet, as so many people do. Why is it so darn hard to eliminate carbohydrates? Poisonous to me, they cause a immediate and dangerous swelling of the Gluteus Maximus, better known as the butt. No carbs? Life is beautiful. Wonderful. Happy. Skinny. These days, the diet train has derailed. Trying my best to get back on track, I find myself floundering.

VST and I employed teamwork in this area. Embracing the Keto Diet for over two years, we found a healthy way to eat what we liked and remain slim. With an abundance of recipes online, any food type can be transformed into a Keto version. Even Pizza. Great crust can be created with canned chicken. Who knew? It just takes planning. Direction. Vision. 20 carbs a day. And a healthy grocery bill. Keto is expensive.

With autumn upon me, now is the time to rearrange my schedule and get things back in order. The front yard is lovely and finished. The gardener will be coming soon to trim and winterize Winterpast. The gardens are ablaze as the trees say their dreamy goodnight prayers, going to sleep for the winter. Slowly, the yard art is finding its way into the RV barn and the days march on towards winter. Soon, hot tub soaking in the snow will be upon me. Such a fun and relaxing time of year.

Just a note. If you are planning to decorate for Halloween and Christmas, be sure to get to the store now. The shelves are quickly becoming bare, as products are slow to get to market. How crazy! Things we took for granted, like holidays seasons enjoyed in the right months, are now distant memories. Buy Christmas in September. Oh well, such is life these days.

Have a beautiful autumn day. If nothing else, organize the junk drawer. You’ll feel victorious.