An American Hero

My sweet son is an American Hero. Serving in the US Air Force and US Air National Guard for over twenty years, he is brave and sweet. At 42, he is a man’s-man with three young children and a lovely wife of his own. God fearing and country loving, I’m so proud of him. In the next few days, he is making another huge sacrifice, being deployed for six months.

Few of us give consideration to the sacrifices that our military families make on a regular basis. As a father and husband, he’ll be missing milestones in his children’s lives. His wife will be left to make decisions alone regarding school and home issues that face all families. His children will be left to miss their dad during those long days and nights. The holiday table will be missing our hero. Unless friends and family have experienced that, it would be hard to know what that’s like.

My son is a successful business owner. During the six months that he’ll be gone, he will be entrusting his company to employees. Unless you are a business owner, trusting your business to others is a huge leap of faith. No one could possible make decisions with the same amount of dedication and determination as the person that started the business with a dream.

He will be missing all the holidays we love, and not for the first time in his life. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years will all be celebrated with fellow Air Men and Women. These people will be his new family for six months. All celebrated on foreign soil and away from those he loves the best. His family. All while preparing for the “Just In Case” we all hope never comes.

In this day and age, deployment is a wee bit kinder. The internet will allow for video chats and phone conversations from half way around the world. Great mail service will allow for timely delivery of care packages full of love. But, there is nothing like a warm hug at the end of a very long work day. In this day and age, deployment is a wee bit kinder. The internet will allow for video chats and phone conversations from half way around the world. Great mail service will allow for timely delivery of care packages full of love. But, there is nothing like a warm hug at the end of a very long work day. Nothing like helping your kids with troublesome homework. Nothing like building a business and landing a new client. Nothing like HOME.

Please keep him in your prays. He is the kindest and most loving son a mom could every hope to have. Intelligent and successful, he makes me proud every single day of my life. His base needs the love of our country. Our military personnel sacrifice on a daily basis. They are unsung heroes that need our prayers and support. Their families need our help.

Hug a soldier. Pray for God to keep them safe. They are our best and brightest.