Pictures, Pork Roast, Gravy, and Family

Yesterday was a special day. Sunday’s are always wonderful in my book. Spending time with my church friends is the best. Three baptisms made the day all the more special. An older married couple and my Teacher Friend were baptized. Before church, I asked for permission to view the font. Very interesting. Like a gigantic hot tub, it has stairs hidden from view on either side. One entrance for men, one for women. The pastor stands in view in the back. The temperature is a balmy 98 degrees. Warm enough for anyone.

The premise of the baptism is that the unsaved person dies and is buried, while the saved person arises. All this is done surrounded by prayer and ceremony. Such a beautiful and solemn event. Always a special day when the font is full.

Learning names and to whom people are related, I feel closer to everyone each and every week. One friend is leaving for a once in a lifetime trip to Germany. Others are in need of hugs and prayers. A true family of kindness and helping hands. What a church SHOULD be.

Sharing a talk with the Pastor about troubling issues cleared my thinking about many important topics. Life is confusing when one is a single woman. At times, confounding. Often, ripe with so many possibilities, it’s hard to decide what the correct choice would be. My Pastor always knows the right things to suggest, scripture front and center, from which personal insight can be gained. I’m blessed to have found such a safe place in which to heal. I value his insight and wisdom. His wife always has a calming hug to share. And, she smells really wonderful. I need to find out the name of her perfume.

Attending church to worship God becomes even more special when new relationships are formed over smiles and welcomes. One church couple has been married for 69 years. I can’t imagine all the situations in which prayer was the glue that held them together. Such a beautiful example they are of undying love and care. Sitting near the front, they are a testimony to marriage. An example to the rest of us that a long and happy life is indeed a goal for which to strive.

More new faces arrive each and every Sunday. People are longing for direction and comfort in this crazy world. Something that makes sense like the beautiful old gospel hymns we sang during service. More than once, I heard people say, “I don’t like the new church music. I want to hear old hymns.” At Baptist on Main, we sing old hymns full of memories, sometimes causing leaky eyes of the best kind.

Things like this only happen in the mind of the writer, and yet, it seems it is happening right here in the high desert of Northwestern Nevada. Enjoy your day, whatever you do. Try a new Pork Roast Recipe with family and friends. Be sure to bring laughter and great conversation. Take some pics. You won’t be sorry when you capture a great moment on film.