Nacho Your Normal Taco Tuesday

Life around Winterpast is kicking into high gear. With a major trip just a week away, I have a full plate just getting everything done. The autumn chill has arrived. This morning, it’s 38 degrees! Just delightful. The last of the apples hang tightly on the tree, waiting for a pie. What a year! Blueberries, plums, apricots, potatoes, and green peppers are all just memories. Time to turn off the sprinklers and get ready for winter.

Yesterday was Taco Tuesday at the local Mexican restaurant “Palomino”. For $0.99, you can enjoy a wonderful street taco. Miniature versions of the real thing, they’re delicious. Just like everywhere else, the owner struggles finding dependable help. He works long hours taking orders and busing tables. He tends the cash register and washes dishes. Restaurant owners are unsung heroes of this pandemic. It has been risky, but also trying in so many ways. Support your local business men and women. Things are tough for them right now.

For the next few days, I’ll be extremely busy. Kind of like the restaurant owners, it’s just me manning the fort. Needing a little time, I’ll return Monday, October 4th. Please take this time to try writing something on your own. Try out a new recipe, or pick up a real book that has been waiting for you. I’ll be back!!