Writing in Circles

Reinterpretation of Circle Game by Joni Mitchell

Just last year this gal came out to wander

With some stories trapped inside my head,

Fearful, I loved my new home and strange town

While tearful for the falling of my man.

Then this gal wrote twelve months ’round the seasons

Describing lonely widowhood to all

Friendship, love, and writing of adventure

Promising to make all my dreams come true

And the year, has gone round and round

And this gal’s life has left her unbound

I’m blogging ’bout my Winterpast and time

I can’t go back, I can only look

Ahead towards what I know

And go round and round the months

As they turn so slow.

Fifty two weeks and four long seasons gone now

Since first I put my words upon the screen

My book takes time, surely it won’t be long now

As I drag my feet feet to slow the process down

And the year has gone round and round

And this gal’s life has left her unbound

I’m blogging ’bout my Winterpast and time

I can’t go back, I can only look

Ahead towards what I know

And go round and round the months

As they turn so slow

Through the year, this gal is now more settled

My dreams and writing rose to carry me through

There are new dreams, a sweet love, new and plenty

Before my last revolving year is through.

And the year has gone round and round

And this gal’s life has left her unbound

I’m blogging ’bout my Winterpast and time

I can’t go back, I can only look

Ahead towards what I know

And go round and round the months

As they turn so slow.


To all my beloved readers,

On this the one year anniversary of my blog, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. This has been a most rewarding experience as I share my thoughts with you. Thank you for following my journey. I love you all. Joy