Testimonies on a Wednesday Night

Wednesday nights I go to church for inspiration. I’m never disappointed. This week was no exception.

Funny how in any organization the same people do all the heavy lifting all the time. Worker bees just carry the load, because, most times, it isn’t too heavy for them. At Baptist on Main, it’s hard to tell who the workers are because they’re always smiling and relaxed. Their contributions are a gift to the rest of us. Surely God is pleased.

There’s the cleaning crew, of which I’m a member. Meeting on Thursday mornings, we sanitize and scrub. A secretarial duties. Bankers and bill payers. Lawn mowers. And one fill-in sign attendant. Me.

I’m helping one of our church celebrities. A fabulous hugger, she smiles broadly, welcoming every new visitor with her broad smile and a warm “Hello”. I certainly remember our first meeting. She notices when someone is down and does her best to provide comfort. Her life has had some bumps along the way. Like everyone, she knows sorrow. At the moment she knows pain, being one week past a complete hip replacement.

Aging, we may all need some new parts. Hard to say. Along with pretty decent skin, I also have good joints. Not much mileage on the knees or hips, they move properly and without pain. VST wasn’t lucky in that department. He suffered for years with crippling arthritis which attacked all his joints. He had a elbow he couldn’t straighten and a paralyzed hand. Knees supported by cumbersome braces. A neck that didn’t turn without pain. Through it all, he chose his medical course, never replacing anything. Strong willed, he did life his way.

This very huggable church lady asked a favor of me. Would I? Could I? Might I consider changing the inspirational sign on Main Street for her until she felt better? Of course, I would, could, and happily accepted my new job. With inspirational quotes already selected until year’s end and full a box of letters, this is an easy job that may change someone’s life. Driving on main, lost souls may read our message and come on in. Of course, I’d love to help.

Before Wednesday’s service, the choir and band practice for Sunday’s worship service. Free music, friendship, and the holy spirit BEFORE the pastor starts at 6 PM. Informal and family like, we’re studying Proverbs. If you read one Proverb a day, you’ll finish in a month. If you read 5 Psalms a day, you also finish in a month. I’m learning so much through our Bible studies. Somehow the pastor always chooses topics that speak directly to my spiritual needs, applying the words to 2021. Funny how that happens every time I worship there.

My new job is an important one. The sign and letters are very old and fragile and care needs to be given when handling them. Attention to spelling is a must. There was no apostrophe for God’s, so I needed to improvise and turn a comma upside down. When I was finished, the message read PUT YOUR HOPE IN GOD’S UNFAILING LOVE. A good message for us all to remember.

This week, the Pastor began the service asking for testimony from our small gathering. People were eager to share the blessings received. How uplifting! Messages of despair and relief. Everyone in the group was smiling, while the pastor agreed that we need to have a Testimonial service once a week. It was better than any medicine. Just listing to people talk about good things happening in their lives. Praise God for his blessings, big or small. Smiles and laughter transformed our group. Positive attitudes are what we all need right now, in this, the darkest of days.

In my life in the desert, I’m so thankful for every falling leaf and soft breeze. The moonlight last night was enchanting. Sneaky mustangs pose like lawn ornaments, munching on manicured grass. Neighbors are out more, enjoying the night’s reprieve from the last of summer’s heat. The Widower of the Pine’s driveway is a new hangout spot under the stars. Being a gentleman, he’d never let a lady walk back home alone in the dark, and so he takes my hand and leads me back to Winterpast. A God that loves me. Family. Friends. Oliver. A happy heart. A lovely neighborhood. What more could a red neck girl want?

That’s my testimonial for today. Find your grateful heart. Talk about it. Tell someone. There is nothing better than sharing something wonderful with a friend! More tomorrow.