Pampered Toes and Small Talk

Threads of my little town weave their way through my heart every day. It’s been over a year since Aloha Maiden started taking care of my hair. Before then, it was hit or miss. Visiting this shop or that, my heart remained in Fresno with my hair stylist, Da Girl. For over thirty years, we shared gleeful squeals and heart wrenching gasps, as we dodged or embraced every twist and turn life threw our way. We raised our kids together. We became first time Grandma’s while always remembering we were beauties, first and foremost. I miss her so much.

When I moved, battered and nearly broken, my realtor gave me some Welcome Home presents. One was a haircut at the local salon. My little town is strange. Just when you are sure there’s nothing here except dust and sage brush, another gem pops up. People drive through to get from Point A to Point B, never stopping to investigate. Good thing. We like it the way it is. Plenty of hidden treasures for us.

Salon 360 tends to the beauty needs of all kinds of women, making them lovely. They cut or add hair. Change the color. Add eyelashes. Share the latest beauty tips. They massage and listen. The women of Salon 360 are angels with scissors and snips. I went to seek help for tired toes.

Not just were the toes tired, they’d found a life of their own. Just a wee bit wild. My cold had derailed my normal appointment for a pedicure, and as everyone knows, nails wait for nothing. Aloha Maiden had her job cut out for her. On Mondays the shop is normally closed so we had the place all to ourselves. The luxury of massaging chairs and swirling water was not lost on me. As the hour ticked by, both feet were restored to a presentable look. She is an artist.

Chatting away, I realized that over the last year, Aloha Maiden has become such a friend. She helped me through my first days in town. She always remembered to ask about my “Word of the Month”. For my new readers, I will explain.

Each month after VST passed was more unthinkable than the last. On the first month, I realized the only thing that would help me navigate from one day to the next was a focus word. Something that would remind me of a value shared between VST and me, representing who we were as a couple. Month One happened to be three words. Okay, Okay. This word thing was my idea, so I could change the rules a little. Three words. Food. Shelter. Clothing. In those first few days, if I didn’t remember those three words, I could have walked naked and hungry through the snow to get the mail. Yes. I had to get dressed, eat, and stay inside during the April snow storms of 2020. A representative word was chosen each month.

Food. Shelter. Clothing.


Love Everlasting.










Each month, while the old me was falling apart as the new me was rebuilding, I’d use the word of the month as a life raft carry me through. Each word held thousands of memories VST and I made together. Each one was a little retreat in which I could rest for just a minute and catch my breath. Acceptance came in the 12th month, in which the words after that became mine, and mine alone. When I became overwhelmed, I would think of the word and start replaying representative memories.

Christmas 2020 was going to be a sad and lonely day, being another first. As the months rolled toward winter, for each word, I bought one present. Some being personalized, they remained sealed when they arrived. Wrapping them with love, I wrote messages of encouragement on the outside, along with a note to myself. When Christmas came, I had gifts to open, and notes from the journey along the way. I can’t tell you what a beautiful experience that was. A way to cradle myself on a private and beautiful Christmas morning with the most special memories and words. With me, it’s always the words that get me through. Aloha Maiden recognized that from the start, and became part of my 12 months of love and hope.

There we were, just two locals talking about high school homecoming and other red neck news. Nope. No longer an outsider. No longer the grieving widow. Just the pamperer and pamperee enjoying the latest news.

Pedicures are a new experience for me. Pampering is something foreign. Not a monthly line item for this farm girl. Well, not until now, anyway. Massages are wonderful. Pedicures between friends are a delight. Salon 360. Named well, because as soon as one treatment is done, I want to turn around and head right back for a different treatment. Have a great day! Find some happiness along the way!