Tiny, Perfect Things

I get goosebumps from the tiniest of perfect things. Cheryl’s leaves as they turn in this brilliant season. Star filled Northern Nevada nights, so clear you could reach out and touch them. Ninja Neighbor’s BBQ drifting over Winterpast on a early evening breeze. A phone call from a dear friends living far away. Prayers answered for safe and love-filled days as my life’s journey continues. The scent from a bar of the finest milk chocolate. I journal about the best parts of each day. A playful glance. A beautiful sunset. I add to it all the time. I’m rich with wonder. (Rearranged from I Am Her, M.H. Clark, Justine Edge– Amazon).

In our lives, there are a million tiny, perfect things around us. From ants to the mustangs that roam my streets, life is brilliantly beautiful. Each day, I’m to live in the moment and enjoy the riches of the right now. Focus my brain on the day at hand, because, tomorrow may never come. As VST would often remind me, “Can’t go nowhere on yesterday’s train”. Sorry. Even though he was a Dr. of Psychology, we loved speaking Red Neck to each other gleefully twisting the English language in private.

Woefully behind in every chore in my life, these days, I need to resort to asking for help. The gardener is spreading decomposed granite over the front yard on Saturday. Two weeks ago, he pruned and cleaned, making it look splendid. I’m so lucky to be finishing The Front Yard Project of 2021. A delightful thing, not so tiny, but for now, definitely perfect.

The back yard will be next. After a light pruning, along with one good clean up, I’ll be ready for the first snow. How I dreaded winter last year! My first alone, it seemed to drag on forever, with one heavy snow storm after another. This year, I look forward to soup in the crock pot and long days to work on my first book, “Widow”.

Just the other day, I found my favorite fleece pajama bottoms on sale at WalMart. If you haven’t tried them, you’re in for a treat if you like soft, plush, comfy bottoms for under $8 a pair. Warm and yummy. Perfect for lounging on the couch while watching old movies. Or WRITING. Or just staying cozy on a winter’s day. All a bargain for the price. A tiny little delight that Walmart even had them for sale with now-normal shortages and empty shelves.

On that same trip, I found an adorable dress. Who knew? $20 for a dress that would have been over $75 at a department store. Again, tiny, perfect little surprises in a day.

Oliver has been wondering about his new schedule. I’ve been in and out of the house more. Just when he thinks he knows his routine, I change it again. He’s such a funny guy, always in a happy mood. His tiny perfect thing is his dog biscuits. With two meals a day and his bones, he works cheap and keeps a good attitude. A toad free yard makes his life complete, while he’s on patrol, making sure those nasty birds behave themselves.

One of the most special tiny perfect things was watching “Come From Away”, a Broadway musical about 9/11 and Gander, Newfoundland. What a wonderful production! Two of the songs get me every single time I hear them. “Me and the Sky” is about Captain Beverly Bass and her flying career. “Stop the World” is about Nick and Diane Marson and their love affair, beginning in Gander. They’ve now been married 19 years. Adorable. You can read about their story on You Tube, along with the story of Gander, Come From Away, and Captain Beverly Bass. You can find the play on Apple TV, which is one of the stations on Roku, or offered by app. If you have a smart television, it may be offered there, as well. You can also find “Come From Away” as a book. Check Amazon.

Just tiny perfect things found in every single beautiful day we are lucky enough to be alive. The autumn is a lovely time of year. Be sure to freeze moments with pictures. We’ll never be smarter, prettier, or more alive than we are right now. Live life. It’s the best.