The Baptism

A little country church along a wide space in the road has proven to be my peaceful spiritual retreat on Sunday mornings. Upon entering the church, one can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. Comforting to a weary soul, this little building is much more than dry wall and windows.

“Pastor, there’s something I feel when walking through the door. It is REAL. RICH. It fills my heart,” I shared with him on Sunday.

“Joy, it’s the Holy Spirit,” he answered, as if he’d given that same answer one hundred times before. Goosebumps flashed across my arms. But of course! The Holy Spirit!

Since I started attending, the friends I’ve made have grown in depth. One of my favorite women reminds me of an older sister. Willow is tall and beautiful, looking much younger than her 70-Something years. She is the first to pass out hugs on Sunday morning. Sadly, her hip is worn out, and needs a replacement. On Wednesday, she’ll undergo surgery which will put her out of commission for a bit.

One of Willow’s extra duties at the church is changing the message on the church sign once every two weeks. She asked if I might be able to take over that job. I can easily do that when I go to clean for an hour on Thursday morning. Just like that, I’m closer to being a real church member than ever in my life. It feels great.

Sunday was wonderful day for three people to receive Holy Baptism. That morning, during Bible Study, running water could be heard filling up the baptismal font. The Baptistery, or designated space within a church for baptism by immersion, is located in an area beyond the stage. There, people are submerged underwater, symbolizing a life before accepting Jesus, a death, and rebirth after accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Two steps up, the church has a stage on which the choir and band sit. At the back of the stage, here’s a wall with a space missing in the middle. Through this opening, a stunning mural of Pyramid Lake can be seen. From any angle inside the church, the mural takes on an entirely different look. Gazing at this mural so many times before, I never noticed the baptismal font below. The Pastor and those baptized are clearly seen entering the pool and then, under the water through a plexiglass window.

A young couple and their boy of 10 years had been visiting services for some time. It was father and son that were baptized on the same day, in the same baptismal font, one after the other. When both were done, they hugged while still in the water and there was more than one person crying at that precious moment. Nothing is more beautiful than a little man looking up to a bigger man in adoration. The timing only made it more breathtaking.

Sunday’s have come alive for me. It isn’t a building. It isn’t a certain religion, or a new dress and pair of shoes. It’s God and his only Son, Jesus, that make Baptist on Main sparkle. It’s parishioners with love turned on and their cell phones turned off. It’s singing slightly out of tune or rhythm. It’s generosity and prayers of healing. It’s all wonderfully uplifting.

This confirmed the spiritual nature of my little church wasn’t something I’d misread or wanted so much that I’d made it up. I smiled from my heart. There is a place in this crazy world that still makes sense after 2,000+ years. People gathering that KNOW the truth while being happy to share. People embracing others in need of a hug. Just a dusty little building on Main which comes alive with the Holy Spirit several times a week. Another magical place in this wide spot along a dusty little road in the town I call home.


Please note, I shared incorrect information with you yesterday.


“Come From Away” will be available for purchase on Apple TV starting September 10th. I’m not sure of the price, or other places it might become available. The soundtrack and many videos on the subject are available on YouTube for free with commercial interruptions.

Please forgive me. 20+ years as a teacher. Argghhhh. I should’ve double checked my info. My apologies. A special Thank You to the Coastal Goddess in the Classic Convertible with Tresses Flowing. I love you.