The Bird House

The mega yard sale of two weeks past was a wonderful success. Finding enjoyment while helping with preparations, many interesting developments transpired BECAUSE OF the event.

During prep week, I made many new friendships just waiting to grow. Several members of our group substitute for the local school district. I don’t know that I could ever return to the classroom, but, you never know. I certainly respect these ladies for doing just that. Many of my church friends came to enjoy the sale and find treasures of their own. A good time was enjoyed by all. By the end of the second day, the group earned almost $2,000.

One gentleman dropped off a fabulous camera that is now mine. $100 years old, I would love to see if I can get it to work. Just the intricacy of the little knobs and levers fascinates me. Opening and closing it, it reminds of of days gone by, when items of quality were a thing of beauty. This camera was a father’s loved possession. What moments of pride did it capture? Graduations? Weddings? First steps? I can feel the happiness vibrate from the case and am so glad it’s mine. It will remained loved.

There was something else wonderful that occurred. I didn’t know it until yesterday when a dear friend contacted me worried that I had moved the blog. Again, I apologize for any disruption in my posts. Last weekend, I had technical difficulties, as well as the onset of a cold, which is getting better each hour. Thank goodness August is over. Dreadful month, that one.

Before the yard sale even began, I discovered little treasures. I found a sweet little cross and two angels. There was the silver MAGA 1957 trinket box that went to the husband of our chapter President for his help. His birth year is 1957. He helped so much with the sale, it was the least I could do to share the little treasure I found. The 100 year old Kodak camera, beautiful and full of good energy.

And then, there was the bird house.

On the eve of the sale, I’d been at Nina Neighbor’s helping with last minute arrangements. I’d seen most of the items for sale, but, out of nowhere appeared an adorable little bird house. Small and quaint, it reminded me a little bit of my old farmhouse. But, it also screamed Winterpast. I was drawn to this little house and immediately put it with my other treasures. New and shiny, it was just too adorable to leave. Into my back yard it would go. A new bunch of nesters would find safety in the attic of this little yellow house with pale blue trim. I’d find a special location.

Fast forward to yesterday. When returning an email an sweet friend and fan who just happens to have intimate ties to Winterpast (her parents loved Winterpast before me), I discovered it was SHE who donated the house for the sale. The daughter of the previous owners of my home randomly gave her friend, Ninja Neighbor, this little house. Her intentions were that it would raise a little bit for the cause, nothing more. It was supposed to be in the back yard of Winterpast all along.

Tell me there isn’t a special message in all of this and I would tell you to think again. There are so many things in this world we don’t understand, this being one of them. Her happiness over the situation was delightful. Her mom delighted in caring for Winterpast, making it a home for everyone to enjoy. There was but one destination for her donation. With hundreds of buyers at the sale, there were a thousand different routes her little bird house could have flown. But it didn’t. It came to its rightful home.

Look for miracles all around you. Little affirmations surround us with love each day. Friendship is the most beautiful thing in the world. When all else fails, the love of a friend can get us through a tough day. Bored? Just put a birdhouse within sight of window. Entertainment on wings. Have a great Wednesday!!!!

PS–To my sweetest friend,

Thank you for the addition to Winterpast. It will forever be V and F’s little house in the Wilde’s! Your sweet mom is surely giggling. I hear her in the wind. J