
Oliver is already sleeping soundly at my feet. Grateful his food bowl is magically filled every morning, he always enjoys breakfast, searching for every last morsel. After he’s sure there isn’t one last piece of kibble hiding somewhere, he’s happy. Chewing on his favorite bone, his eyelids get heavy and off to puppy dreamland he scampers, while cozied on the bed under my desk. Life is wonderfully easy for Oliver. Living in the present, most of his moments are worthy of a grateful mind. His tail is always wagging.

Reviewing my week, I think back to all the miracles that’ve occurred , and how grateful I am. Too often in our busy lives the littlest things can pass by unnoticed. An afternoon without smoke. A gentle breeze full of cool air. A 56 degree morning. A ripe tomato. Friends that greet you with open arms and a smile, genuinely happy to say Hello. A strong hug. A grocery shelf full of toilet paper or water. Every minute of every day, we can all find a single blessing. Someone to thank. A situation that could be worse, but isn’t. The list is endless.

I’m thankful that in my little town, people still exist that love God and Country. Ninja Neighbor, dead tired after her heroic efforts on Yard Sale Day #1, was cocooned in her home when I knocked on her door for some friendly advice yesterday. Her home is cozy and inviting. Curling up on opposing couches, I talked and she advised in a way only a true Ninja Neighbor and Friend could. Lovingly, her words settled my mind on troubling matters. A blessing in every way she is to me.

Ten hours earlier, we’d shared a breakfast of farm fresh eggs and sausage at her table, wondering what the day’s profits would be. Non-breakfast eaters did last minute adjustments to the array of goods which spanned NN’s entire front yard. An estate sale of bargains. In April 2020, I couldn’t foresee the group of new friends I’d meet in my little neighborhood. Through the years, VST was our Ambassador of Good Will. It was through him I was blessed to meet Miss Firecracker and her Bailey’s and Cream. Ultimately, VST was the one that made sure Winterpast would be a place for me to grieve, heal, and grow. Loving me so deeply, he prepared a future for me when his was cut short by cancer. Day by day, my roots grow deeper into Winterpast, this place I love so much.

Generosity flowed during the first day, with $1100 in sales. With a slow and steady pace of customers, items drifted off to enjoy their new lives, like an adult version of Toy Story. Today is expected to be even better. As I walked through the tables, things I donated caught my eye. Retrieving none of my cast-offs, I did find a few new treasures. Yard sales. Who knew???

A new restaurant adventure awaited me at lunch. Farm House Vittles off Interstate 80 was a nice change from Tee Pee Bar and Grill. On the opposite side of town, the refined and dignified décor doesn’t quite match their name. Although still part of a Casino, the restaurant has a street entrance. Staff was attentive and efficient, delivering me breakfast for lunch. I’ll add it to the long list of restaurants that’ve keep me well fed. Since January 2020, hundreds of cooks, waitresses, and staff have brought me meals when I’ve been too sad, tired, lonely, or depressed to cook for myself. Yet another group of unsung heroes.

A day wouldn’t be complete without a wonderful conversation with Miss Firecracker. Oh how I miss her sparkling eyes and tantalizing wit. Thank goodness for phone conversations. We share so many secrets, as great friends do. Supporting each other, we always find a listening soul and a helpful heart on the other end of the line. Widowhood has been a journey the caught us both off guard. Friendship has been the scaffolding that’s helped us stand strong. You know, Miss Firecracker. You just know.

Today is a day for writing, reflection, and packing. In a couple days, I’ve planned a solo retreat just for me. Everyone needs to get away, so I’ll travel to my favorite Northwestern Nevada resort. You’ll find me poolside, soaking up rays to deepen my fading tan, or asleep in one of the plush fluffy recliners in the spa listening to soul southing music under Bose sound canceling headphones. I plan to enjoy the seclusion of the spa from 9 AM to 9 PM. Massaged, moisturized, and fed, I plan to rest up, while working on the book and blog. Oliver will enjoy his time with friends at Puppy Camp. I haven’t told him yet, so help keep the secret.

Being grateful doesn’t take energy, strength, or creativity. It just takes focus on beautiful moments that happen every day. Not extravagant gifts or events. Just everyday things that, when strung together, make life more beautiful than an exquisite string of pearls. Have a blessed day today and Be Grateful.