My Neighborly Neighborhood

The neighborhood is abuzz with the excitement of today’s yard sale. Yesterday, Ninja Neighbor started bright and early. With the cavalry pulling in to help, her front yard turned from a normal drive way into Thrift Store Central. Working together, the most strenuous task of putting up the tents to the less demanding tasks of unboxing and pricing were completed. Slowly, the massive collection went from neat and tidy boxes, to an array of items spanning many, many tables. Yard sales are fascinating although still not my thing.

One of the more interesting treasures found was a small wood lined silver box. Hinged to hold small items, the tarnished top was engraved. M.A.G.A 1957. When I first saw the box, I took it inside and polished it to a gleaming finish. I googled the inscription, trying to get an idea of what the initials stood for. No luck. Even though the date meant nothing to me, MAGA did.

Along with the box, I found other goodies. A cute wind chime with a cardinal on top. A butterfly vase. A new bird house for my growing avian population. Garden gloves and a trowel. Some clip-on earrings. Little trinkets discarded from one home and looking for another.

The weather couldn’t have been more perfect. Gentle breezes never turned into more. The temperature for the last few days has been pleasant, giving us hope that fall is truly around the corner. Under the comfort of the tents, we all unpacked, sorted, priced, and placed the items on tables. Everything you could imagine waits for buyers. From a stationary bike peddle device to leg weights. Humidifiers. Christmas plates. An angel collection. Clothes galore. Shoes by the hundreds. Bedding. Towels. Furniture. A sleigh bed. Glass ware. Tomorrow, the shoppers will have a ball sorting through and grabbing items, all priced to sell.

While working yesterday, one man stood above the rest. Our President’s husband. Through all the work, he’s been there to help ladies with normal tasks men often do. He’s one of very few men that have helped with this event. Pleasant and respectful, it’s nice of him to be there as an extra set of hands and strength. Thinking of the MAGA box, I asked Madam President her birth year. It wasn’t 1957, but her husband’s birth year was. 1957. Without hesitation, I knew what I needed to do. The box didn’t really belong to me. It belonged to him as a Thank You for his help. And, that’s where it went. Happily.

Through the entire day, Ninja Neighbor was her most beautiful self. Never, ever rattled, she continued on with her work. Even though this huge amount of inventory took over her entire driveway, she remained cheerful, working well after dark to be ready for the today. She’s just that way. Energetic. Beautiful. Sassy. Funny. Delightful in every way. Surely I hit the neighborhood jackpot when moving in next to her. She is dearly loved by all that are lucky enough to know her.

The Service Organization will put money raised today to good use. Community scholarships for deserving High School Seniors. Dictionaries for 3rd graders. Constitution booklets for 5th graders. Items for the local Veteran’s home. Items for the local food bank. The unsell-ables will be donated to a local charity to help people in need, a benefit in so many ways to our little town. All monies have been raised with a cheerful heart and great attitude. It can’t help but be used for positive outcomes.

While we worked, the most amazing thing happened. For weeks, our skies have been grey with heavy smoke. The sun at rise and set glowed an eerie magenta as it peeked through the haze. Yesterday, without notice, the winds aloft did an amazing job of cleaning. Big blue skies returned. A stunning day, the surrounding mountains were again visible.

Neighbors peaked out of their windows to check out the hustle and bustle of activity. I now know more neighbors than I did yesterday. Wonderful people no longer strangers but friendly faces. A yard sale brings out the best in people.

I’ve been waiting for the right time to meet the widow down the street. Yesterday was the day. Comparing notes, my heart went out to her. Listening to details of her widow’s journey of six months, I was grateful for my experiences in Year 2. Remembering all the struggles of last summer, they stay put in my rearview mirror. The seemingly endless paperwork needed to shift a life for two into a life of one was overwhelming. Widow’s fog is great for one reason. Forgotten is a lot of pain, bewilderment, and frustration in dealing with the loss of a spouse. I hope we become friends now that she has more time. I’m sure we’ve much more in common than the Ins and Outs of widowhood.

The gentleman who faithfully walks his dog twice a day cruised by making note of our activities. A 4th grade boy rode his scooter up and down the block, offered to help in any way he could. More help arrived and by 5 pm, most of the merchandise was organized on display. Ninja Neighbor pulled it off without a sweat. A bundle of positive energy, our group is blessed to have her as a new member.

This morning, the throngs of shoppers will descend on our quiet little neighborhood. The neighbors have all enjoyed a presale viewing to get the best deals. Cashiers arrived early this morning and are making sales even as I write. Our goal is to break $2,000. Think good thoughts. Come by and say Hi! if you have time. You’ll find us in our the lovely little town at the wide spot in the road.