New Friends Galore, Empty Barn No More

My RV barn is a thing of beauty. I could hold church inside the four finished walls. With dimensions of 45’x20’x20′, more than one man has stopped in his tracked to hear angels sing when first seeing the barn. Conjuring up visions and possibilities in people, VST and I chose it to protect our new RV, The White Knight. VST got his RV barn. I got the gardens of Winterpast. Buying this home was an equal Win-Win for us both, although I moved here alone.

When VST died, the fate of The White Knight was certain. I’d never driven it, couldn’t drive it, and therefore, wouldn’t be driving it. At 30′ long, it had to be sold. Meanwhile, the barn kept mourners out of the sun at VST’s memorial service. It’s a place I store household overflow, including the deer head I just can’t discard quite yet.

Yard sales are not my thing. I’ve never held one, or even helped at one. The thought of strangers descending on my quiet little world to pick through-cast offs isn’t something I’d choose to do on the best of days. But, this yard sale is different. It’s for my Political Organization, ripe with friends for the picking.

Politics. Such a nasty and divisive topic. Differences of opinion can severe relationships forever unless you happen to stand on the same side of the great divide. Then, it can be a safe topic of conversation on which to bond. Miss Firecracker had introduced me to this group, urging me to join when I moved here. Being in a Widow’s fog a little longer than I realized, it took some time to connect. But, connections are firing now and this is a group of new friends that’ll anchor me even more securely to my little town.

The group has their biggest fund raiser the third weekend in August. A yard sale. My Ninja Neighbor, a new member to the group, is the chairwoman of THE YARD SALE committee. Such an initiation to the group. Yikes. Loving her as I do, I offered my barn to house the furniture items and she accepted immediately. Another unique use for my wonderful building.

Yesterday, my barn became Yard Sale Central. All the earthly belongings of a heaven bound angel found their way into two pickups and a horse trailer, to be delivered to my barn. With three other deliveries, the barn is stacked high with boxes and furniture. What. Have. I. Done????? You know the old saying, “Stupid is as stupid does.”?

During the afternoon, people arrived as strangers and left as friends. I’ve invited new comrades into Winterpast and my life. I’m one of the gals now, and what wonderful gals we are. So many different personalities, all offering words of encouragement and comfort. There are successful gals. Executives. Business owners. Widows. Wives. Mothers. Daughters. Friends to meet at water aerobics. Friends that like the beach and traveling. Friends with kind eyes. Friends that are funny husbands that adore their beautiful wives. A solid core of like-minded people. No longer can I whine that I’m friend-less-ly new to town . A barn and new gal-pals. It doesn’t get better than that.

The dancers in the group told me of two evenings of square dancing every week. One in my little town and one in the little town 30 minutes East. Two nights of more new friends. Music. A professional square dance caller who happens to be my neighbor.

Wizard of Oz-ish, the door of possibilities opens wider as my town little town turns technicolor. This isn’t California anymore. This is a horse of a different color. There’s no place like home, and this is mine. After all, Home Means Nevada.

My secret vision for the barn is a wonderful star-filled evening, complete with a barn dance. In my life, I’ve helped plan two. Both in a huge ranch barn, never did anyone have as much fun. Hay bales for seating, fiddlers and banjo players strummed while everyone danced the night away. Of course, I can’t host a barn dance. My neighbors would never forgive me.

But, wait just a fiddle plucking minute here.

Maybe they would come?!?!?!?

In the blazing heat, a new friend was admiring the finished barn walls.

“This is the perfect place for a BBQ and barn dance!” the dancer declared, sharing her vision. Meeting her just minutes before, she had no way of knowing mine. None. But. She did.

Another gal mentioned that we should have a “Just Because” party in my back yard. What a delightful idea! “Just Because” we’re alive, happy, healthy, intelligent and beautiful. “Just Because” everyone needs new friends. “Just Because” without friends and parties, what would life be? “Just Because” VST and I loved hosting neighborhood parties. Winterpast and I need a housewarming. Coming together in a storm of sadness, Winterpast watched over me while I cared for her as we both watched Winter Pass. Now, we need to celebrate as one, “Just Because”. I’ll be thinking on this.

Today, the unpacking begins. How fun to “shop” in the barn. I’ve already spied a cute garden stand I’m buying. Guess what? I get to set the price! Let’s see. $1? Sold!!!!!