Girlfriends Forever, Broken Secrets Never

Miss Firecracker and I understand each other. Strange, because we aren’t chronological contemporaries. Our thoughts and beliefs intersect at key points bringing us laughter or tears. She’s a great sounding board for so many of life’s deep questions, knowing when to answer or just give a knowing glance. A friend in need is a friend, indeed. She’s my BESTIE.

After sharing the stars and the moon in Zero Gravity, we moved on to lunch. Like royalty, our own wait staff took orders and invited us to the terrace for Mimosa’s, while lunch was prepared. Sunning ourselves, we never ran out of topics for discussion.

The terrace was filled women of different ages. Groups congregated in the private pool, or sat on terrace lounges. Everyone was enjoying sunshine and the normalcy of a spa day. Nothing normal about this spa, it had been closed for almost a year. Special it was to enjoy something that hadn’t been available for so long. After purchasing a service, the facilities were available to us until 9PM. I didn’t realize we could have returned even if we left the spa. But, then, Miss Firecracker had a full day planned for us.

Lunch arrived, healthy and delicious. After a few hours of pampered bliss, we decided to find the rest of our group. Downstairs, her daughter, Miss Firecracker’s Mini Me, was tanning her beautifully skinny self by the main pool. She’d saved lounge chairs poolside. Making our way through the children was refreshing. Kids. They’ve paid the ultimate price through Covid and the ways of this crazy world. These kids were having fun. Not a few kids. Lots and lots of sweet children.

As a retired teacher, I noticed one very important point for second time in as many weeks. Covid and home schooling has helped parents become parents again. Although the pool could’ve been a watery sea of chaos and unruly children, it wasn’t. The sweetest kids played nicely with each other. Mindful that parents were watching, they behaved. And, yes, I noticed parents that WERE watching. My Movie in the Park experience last week was similar. Parents being parents, but allowing children to be children. Refreshing.

Mini Me is equally as delightful as Miss Firecracker. A bold, fierce, and smart executive, this woman is a witty, funny and beautiful life force. Miss Firecracker, you taught her well, my dear.

Sunning by the pool, the question on my mind was, “Why Have I Not Enjoyed This Resort On A Routine Basis?” Laying in the sun while listening to the guests, I realized a 5-Star experience exists less than an hour away from Winterpast. This will join the list of my monthly activities.

Visiting with Mini Me, time passed and the blazing sun finally got the best of us. Our strength would be needed for the last of Miss Firecracker’s plans. A dinner at the best restaurant in town, with reservations made months before.

Dinner was one I’ll never forget. Served by two waiters, not one, we were pampered and treated to epicurean delights. Of course, Miss Firecracker stole the show, especially when I clued in the waiters that she was, indeed, THE Miss Firecracker. Delicious food. Excellent service. Friendship extraordinaire. In a flash, we were enjoying Baily’s and Coffee topped with fresh whipped cream. A beautiful evening in an exquisite restaurant with my Bestie. It doesn’t get better than that.

VST was always curious about girl weekends, ask, “What did you do?” It’s hard to describe to a man the value of conversing with a girlfriend. Men sit together, often not exchanging a word. But, women. We’re different. We gab, gasp, groan, laugh, cry, commiserate, and gossip. That could all occur in the first fifteen minutes. We nourish our souls with words from a woman friend that just knows. Supports. Cares. Loves. There is nothing better than that in the world.

Our vacation ended too soon. There are the secret stories we’ll take to the grave. We did need to pay for some damages that occurred on our night out. And, there was the issue with security. Glad Miss Firecracker talks a good story. She saved us more than once that night. Memories will make us laugh for years to come. What happens at the resort, stays at the resort. Rest up, Girlfriend. Until the next time, Thanks for the wonderful weekend. You know. I love you.