A Good Morning For Good News

There’s nothing like a few days away to improve an attitude, especially if time spent involves one Miss Firecracker!! Normally isolated, it was refreshing to enjoy a normal vacation, in which all vacationers behaved normally. Bustling and crowded, the resort made me feel I was back in pre-pandemic days, except for the masks. Nevadans must wear them inside, AGAIN.

Miss Firecracker, with her wit and wisdom, is a one-of-a-kind BESTIE of the BEST KIND. There are some people in life that you need, like oxygen. She is mine. Getting caught up on the OOHHH’s and AAHHH”s of life, there were plenty of smiles and lots of laughs. Rooming together, our antics went late into the night, well past my normal bedtime.

Together, we could almost conjure up our late husbands through shared memories. Members of the same service organization, we spent time getting to know each other well. We camped together, for goodness sakes. After a successful camping trip, people become family. Campfires do that, melting the group into one gooey S’more of stories. The four of us shared many camping trips. VST and Baily’s were surely observing from on high this weekend, laughing at our antics, while wishing they could be on the other side of the room, their deep voices booming like thunder.

Miss Firecracker and I are Alpha Females. We draw attention with our stunning beauty and strong attitudes. Controlling our own lives, we’re what you’d consider, A CATCH. Women of Means. Ladies. Seasoned Queens of our own destiny. Quite frankly, we’re lovely. We don’t settle for anything less than lives we’ve planned for ourselves. Independent and fierce, weak men are intimidated. Just as well, because, quite frankly, we’re used to lives with our Alpha Males. Each having been half of a power couple, anything less would bore us to tears.

Visiting with such a friend, I remembered the woman I was when I met her. A “+1”. Arm candy for the member of a prestigious Men’s Service Organization, I was somebody’s Lady. At the time, that was a nice person to be. Today, it’d never be enough. Traveling through widowhood for the last 16 months, I’m so much more than a pretty face. VST always knew and appreciated that. It was ME that lost touch with my strength and courage. Complacent, I became the “Little Woman”. I smile at the ME I was, and some days, cringe at the ME I’ve become. All part of assembling a new and improved self as I pick up the pieces and move on, finding what works and what doesn’t.

On Saturday, Miss Firecracker had planned a wonderful day for us. At 9 AM, we presented ourselves at the Spa for Swedish relaxation. If you haven’t been to a 5-STAR spa at least once in your lifetime, you must. There are spas in every town. At least technicians that give a satisfying massage. But, a 5-STAR spa has all the bells and whistles. Things you didn’t even know you needed, but will need after experiencing them.

Only the finest spas can afford the finest amenities such as a vibrating massage table, set to music. Truly heaven made. In a dimly lit room, like candlelight, the fifty minutes of bliss commenced. My massuer, Lawrence, (no, I could never consider him “Larry”, he was definitely Lawrence), was skillful and respectful, applying capable and masterful techniques. As the music played, the table would vibrate with notes at different frequencies. The vibrations were so subtle they could easily have been missed. Warm vibrating table. Warm lotions. Warm neck pillow. Warm knee support. Soothing fountain’s soothing splish-ity splashes. All wrapped up in 50 blissful minutes.

Lumps of warmed butter, both, we met back in the Salt-Therapy room. White leather chairs with large ottomans lined the dimly lit room. A large cascade of salt water cascaded down one glass wall. Attendants brought iced water for our parched lips. All that was missing were tall hunky guys to fan us. Our spa day was just beginning.

Invited to use the facilities for the rest of the day, we took the elevator to the 4th floor, a step closer to heaven. There, private pools, Jacuzzi’s, waitresses, and an outdoor lounging deck awaited us. Everything clean and beautiful. Private for those of us that had purchased a treatment. Like kids in a candy shop, we tried everything. We were inside. Then outside. Going back inside to explore more, we found a metal door resembling a utility closet. On the door were the words, “Quiet Room”.

Entering, we found peace. Extremely dark, the space was lined with white leather Zero Gravity lounge chairs. Each chair, with the push of a button (and a little effort and giggling), went into position. Yes. Zero Gravity is a real thing, placing feet much higher than head. Positioned this way, we then focused on the stunning video display of the heavens. Crystal clear, the enhanced video showcased the big Nevada night skies. Star lit and stunning. Everything in this room comforted the spirit, all behind an uninviting door marked, “Quiet Room”.

In peace, I leave you for now. Enjoy the soft tones of music. The perfect temperature. Your feet suspended higher than your head in Zero Gravity. Quietly, I slip out of the room. Enjoy your rest, because, tomorrow, I’ll share the rest of the story.