Wife. Widow. Woman

Defined by these three powerful words, they swirl around my head each day. In so many ways, my identification has been bound by them for decades. Intertwined with Should-s, Shouldn’t-s, Why-Not’s, and Maybe’s, they govern my actions like judgmental sentries as I’m try to decide which one defines the real WOMAN in me. It’s for this reason, the Sisterhood books in my first trilogy will hold bare the titles WIFE, WOMAN, WIDOW, with Widow the first to be published .

Presently, WOMAN is the biggest challenge, giving me a run for my money. Discovering I’ve no idea how to WOMAN, I’d much prefer to Gal, Tom Boy, or trot along with my own version of life. To successfully WOMAN is a tough job, indeed. At 65.5, I’m confused about the requirements and societal expectations of the role for the YOLD (Young Old) female in 2021.

At my age, health is the key to success in any endeavor. Keenly aware of the functions and complaints of the body I’ve been given, I must say, it’s performing well for a high mileage chassis. Grateful for this, I’m aware that at any time, I could spring a leak or blow a tire. Heck, I could drop a headlight. I try to avoid roads that are too pitted or dangerous for an old goat like me. But, in this day and age, road signs are difficult to read or missing all together. I think some might be in Chinese. GPS directions can run a girl astray and stranded on a one way street towards disaster.

In some ways, I might be considered a barn find. Hidden away for decades, I’ve been kept out of the ravages of the elements. Protected and valued by the best husband and family, I know what it’s like to be cherished and truly loved. Truly blessed, I marveled at every dream come true as life unfolded. I value my rare qualities. They won’t be shared with someone that doesn’t fear God and truth, even when inconvenient. I find the Swamp Creatures of the Senior Citizen dating world avoid inconvenience at any cost. It’s their kryptonite. Swamp Creatures. We’ll touch on that subject in an upcoming post. For now, avoid them at all costs.

This is Vintage Vixen is goal driven, again attempting to update the exterior with one new outfit that screams 2021 rather than the late 1900’s. Sporting my zippy new hair cut, I’ve promised myself that I’ll spent at least one hour perusing store manikins, choosing to buy a complete look. There must be at least one headless example of trendiness that would look compliment my plump-ish frame.

Next, a new pair of flats is on the list, as my “Go-Toes” are adorable and comfy for a woman a bit older than myself. I can do better, not needing Red Bottoms to pull off a look. Just some cute flats in which to line dance, with best intentions to learn how and go often. Flats, because I’m finding that at 5’5″, I’m considered tall in the dating world.

A new piece of jewelry, as much as I hate it. Jewelry. I don’t understand sparkly baubles. I overheard two women at Bible study as they discussed diamonds and the women that say they don’t like them. (I’m one.)

“What kind of woman doesn’t love Diiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaammmmmmoooooonnnnnnddddsss? (Hello? Me?)

“THEY can’t AFFORD them.” (Not true, in my case.)

“They go with EVERYTHING.” (Not potting soil, or star gazing on a moonless desert night.)

Not intending to buy diamonds, I can at least buy something trendy to complete the look. It can’t involve earrings, though. I’ve no need to punch holes through perfectly good earlobes. Besides, earrings would distract from my eyes. No need. Sophisticated, flowing, and luxurious, my naturally highlighted grey hair hides my ears, anyway. A wasted effort in my case.

Today. One look. That’s the plan. One new sassy look that screams 2021. One head turning look that turns heads as I turn the corner on WOMAN’s WAY. That’s the mission for today.

Autumn is such a better season for me. The bat wings can be captured in long sleeves. The knee droopage concealed under flattering jeans. Turtlenecks do cover up my perfect and flawless décolletage, (the dermatologist raved about mine) but, in life there are trade offs. With the temps still hovering at triple digit level, the Great Cover UP will need to wait a little longer. Shop to Pop!!!!! Stay tuned.