Learning Three New Things

It’s my summer’s goal to learn three new skills. Not quite sure of my focus, I’ve considered things I need to learn. The options are so broad it’s a little daunting. Learning a new skill doesn’t necessarily involve becoming the best in the world. It just means learning a little more than I know today.

Physical Fitness–

Uncoordinated, beyond reproach, I need to accomplish something in the area of physical fitness. Even if it means attending a senior citizen aerobics class for 12 weeks in a row, it needs to include the movement of my body in a meaningful and productive manner. As I garden, I often sit on the ground to repair sprinkler hose or pull weeds. Getting back up is a bit of a show. Rather like a leggy giraffe, I rise. Not gracefully, it takes quite an effort. How wonderful it would be to leap to my feet like a playful gazelle. I would even be happy if it wasn’t such a darn struggle.

There are some options in town that sound interesting. One is the community pool, lovely, and indoors. There is a community swim time that sounds refreshing and a possible source of hours of writing. I need to check it out, as this chick-a-dee needs to get out and move. There are also some fitness clubs in town, however, I’m still a little virus leery. The thought of breathing other people’s evaporating sweat isn’t very appealing in this, the second year of the virus.

Spiritual Fitness-

The Bible has been a fascinating mystery to me for many years. Verses written long ago, inspire and comfort in many ways. How interesting to listen to others and their interpretation, while considering the relevance to my own. I’d like to read at least one chapter and begin to think about personal applications. There are many churches in my little town yet to be visited by me. With at least twelve that I know of, visiting one church a week would be a good summer goal.

Intellectual Fitness–

In 12 weeks, I’ve plenty of hours to publish my first book. Deciding on which one was the hard part. As originally planned, I’m self-publishing my first book, Widow, later this year. Looking at available webinars on that very subject, plenty of tips and tricks on the subject are available online. Google Kindle Direct Publishing and go on their cyber tour.

A wonderful new option called kindle vella is available. Serial stories. Amazon is now offering writers the option of continuing a story, one day at a time. The first day is free to the reader. The next the readers are charged a certain number of tokens per day. The writer receives 50% of each sale. I’m really considering this option for a few of my stories, such as the train ride. Too short for a book, but, perfect for a 5-7 day serial story.

Just spending 30 minutes a day searching the internet for information on a new hobby can provide inspiration and information.

Creative Fitness–

There is a tiny shop in town that specializes in pottery and creative painting. Each week, they offer a class that will leave you with a personally crafted work of art. Following a set techniques and patterns, while listening to the instructor, you create. During this time, wine is consumed, as well. The finished paintings could end up a little more abstract than intended, but definitely original.

Painting has always appealed to me. I’ve attempted a few projects that did turn out quite nice, so this may be an outlet that leaves me a little more skilled.

Culinary Fitness–

I want to learn to cook one gourmet meal that I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, will turn out amazing. Every time. One I can cook to “Wow” company. Just one. My cooking skills are very basic. I wonder how in the world I ever raised children to maturity with my limited knowledge of food preparation. At any rate, I did. With most dinner plates empty over the years, everyone must have been farm hand hungry.

Earlier in the spring, I purchased the Julia Child cookbook, “Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Volume 1: A Cookbook”. I’ve gotten pretty good at reducing recipes to an amount for 1, with a little left over for the following day. Preparing a French dish will stretch my comfort zone, as I’ve never actually eaten anything French that I know of. I do know I love Brie and butter, so there’s probably a really good chance this will be valuable knowledge.

Old Apparel In The Barrel —

Need I even explain this again? I live on the high desert plains of Northwestern Nevada. Although there is a city thirty miles to the west, anything more than shorts and tees in the summer is really overdressing. In my younger years, I’d wait for the Fall issue of Vogue to pine for new Winter fashions. Just knowing the colors for the upcoming season was helpful. Window shopping inspired, as stores usually carried similar styles.

I’m in dire need of a fashion make-over. Perhaps there was never anything to make over in the first place. I’d be the perfect candidate for the show where a clueless woman’s chosen. She has no idea. All of a sudden, the cameras are in her closet and her favorite sweats and jeans are in the dumpster. With a credit card, they send her to create a new wardrobe, all her own. Her hair is revamped and makeup customized. Yes! Please! Someone nominate me for that. Otherwise, that may become another summer goal.

So, there you have it. Wanting to improve in three areas of knowledge and fitness, I’ve thought of six needing my attention. I haven’t even begun to scratch the surface. Nothing stays the same, nor should we. Retired days are full of hours to learn, experiment, and grow. Times a wasting.