“You Can’t Wait Until Life Isn’t Hard Anymore To Be Happy.” Jane Marczewski

I own three very large flat screen tv’s, two iPads, and a phone. Lots of screens display absolute garbage, if I get bored enough to turn them on. It’s easy to surrender one’s brain to a image on the screen, replacing real human activities and interactions. Yesterday was an all time low.

A school board meeting in Virginia was televised to the nation. A parent paraded their little girl and boy to the front of a very hostile group of people and expected her to read off a prepared speech. The child wasn’t even old enough to understand the meaning of the words she was reading. Parents in the audience were making rude comments as she tried to read. This was live.

What kind of Superintendent, School Board, community leaders and parents would allow this to happen to two small children? What kind of country are we becoming? Has all decency left the building? I turned off the television in total disgust. I am a retired teacher. No one would have ever been allowed to treat one of my adorable students in such a manner. Ever.

The rest of the night, I found other things to do. This morning, I’d already prepared another piece to post, but something really nice happened. Turning on the computer, there are always a few news headlines. One caught my eye. It was about a contestant on the show “America’s Got Talent”, so I clicked on the story. It was then I met Jane Marczewski. I need to share her words with you. They are beautiful and uplifting. For once, SOMEONE on television had SOMETHING IMPORTANT to say in addition to sharing her amazing talent. I hope you Google her name and hear the original song she sang for Simon Cowell. More than that, listen to her real message. Time is short. “It’s Okay.”

Her words for your consideration.

“There are times when I wonder what I must have done to deserve such a story. I fear sometimes that when I die and meet with God, that he will say I disappointed Him or offended Him, or failed Him. Maybe He’ll say I just never learned the lesson, or that I wasn’t grateful enough. But one thing I know for sure is this. He can never say that He didn’t know me.”

“I am so much more than the bad things that happen to me. I have a 2 percent chance of survival (cancer), but 2 percent is not zero. Two percent is SOMETHING. I wish people knew how amazing that is.” Nightbirde. Jane Marczewski — Cancer Warrior, Cancer Survivor In The Present.

Jane’s uplifting spirit and voice are something worthy of watching.

Sing on, Jane, Sing on!!!!!