Trust Strangers? Watch For Dangers!

There are some days when I embrace the fact that I live in the Wild West. There are other days, I realize the Wild West just isn’t here, it’s a new state of mind. “Grabbing hands grab all they can. Everything counts in large amounts” an old song says. It isn’t necessary to “Open Carry”, when we just need to rely on our brains, Spidey-sense, and vigilance. Gangsters flourish all around us, no matter the terrain or population. During the last few weeks, my blog site has been hit by some very bad people. As a writer, I enjoyed getting comments from fans. In the beginning, “Comments” were the first things I checked, hoping that someone would send a word of support. Squealing with happiness, I would hang onto every word. But, that all changed. In the last two weeks, the comments came in fast and furious, all with Arabic lettering at the top of each message. On the next line was a link to porn. Then, there were generic names and messages that camouflaged the entire affair. My blog has been read in over 60 countries, so at first, the Arabic lettering didn’t alarm me. Until it did. It became necessary to block comments from my daily blog. As a new member of my community, I’m isolated. As a widow, I’m more isolated. Add Covid on top, it’s isolation to the extreme. My blog and interactions with my readers were links to the outside world. However, the risk of hackers entering my personal world is too great. Another nice thing ruined in this crazy society thanks to ruthless minds out to do no good. In our world, I’m amazed at the amount of entitlement and corruption occurring on a daily basis, even in a very small town. My blog is so small and insignificant, one wouldn’t think it wouldn’t be worthy of a second look from hackers, but, here they’ve appeared. Attacking a widow, of all things. Jackals go for the jugular of the weakest, eh? Well, some jackals pick the wrong widow. To add to my frustration, a text arrived from a friend I shared dinner with last week. We’d decided to go to the “nicest” restaurant in my little town, even though it was on the pricey side. The food was usually just okay. The Tee Pee Bar and Grill is my go-to choice, with the Papoose Burger and fries for $8.50. But, this was a special night, and so, we chose the fancier place. Long story short, my friend, who doesn’t live in this little town, was charged a second time, (after the outrageously expensive dinner), for a second tip of $30. A generous tip had already been included with the first charge. Luckily, she is a business person, checking every charge on the banking account every day. Gangsters need not hold anyone up in person. No masked bandits need to burst in on horseback. Fraudulent computer entries make difficulties and complications for others. Along with false charges come blocked credit cards and reassigned numbers. All while the thieves continue on, day after day. May I make a suggestion to those new to banking due to widowhood, or any other reason? Check your credit card charges on a daily basis. Every card and account. Every day. Make sure you don’t fall victim to fraud after a very nice evening with a friend. A bitter after-dinner-mint to swallow. In the days of the Wild West, things were simpler. Everyone knew their neighbors. The bad guys in the village were dealt with, while the good guys in the village stood together to defend their space. The sheriff was respected, whether he’d earned that respect, or it was simply a respect for the title. Those that didn’t respect the sheriff or town faced consequences. Townspeople were kept safe. In times of trouble, people would circle the wagons and take turns on watch. The community banded together, rising above differences of opinions when things got tough. With a wagon train of one, here in the high desert of Northwestern Nevada, Oliver and I will keep our eyes peeled for the rat bastards of the world. Please, don’t mess with this widow. It just isn’t a nice thing to do.