Goodbye Precedes Hello, Now It’s Time to Go

With a magical fun in the rear view mirror, this is the week Miss Firecracker will start her new life in California and the day Ace returns to his. With Donner Pass between me and the family and friends I love, this “sage-brush-ed” desert girl needs to suck it up and carry on. Both would expect no less. Yesterday, Miss Firecracker and I went to a craft fair! Decadent!!! Outlandish!!! Wreckless!!! Absolutely the best time ever!!! The town we visited is a very tiny oasis of a farming town nestled between mountain peaks. I used to go there for business, as it is the county headquarters. DMV. Business Licenses. School District Headquarters. Small functional airport for private planes. It is the hub of my county. Above the little town sits a run down former mine site, home to Super-Fund-Clean-Up-Personnel. Tumble Weed Heights. This little town was a copper mine from the 1950’s-1970. Nestled in some beautiful scenery, there is abandoned miniature golf, an empty community swimming pool, an RV park, and about 75 little company houses that used to own the miners. This town is a place I like to go to think. With the rich array of decay all around, the stories they scream are mind tingling. Yes, I have camped at the RV park with Miss Firecracker. Yes, the memories came back to us both, as we thought of VST, puppy Oliver, Bailey’s and Cream and the fun we had there. Outrageous. We  walked to look at the pit far below the look out. Surrounded by rusted wire cage, we looked down. The pit itself is 800 feet deep, with the water in the pit at around 450 feet. The water glows a beautiful blueish green, rather like a beach in Bali. Eerily inviting. I bet skin would fall of the bone of any unsuspecting swimmer taking a chance on a quarry dive. After taking in the sites of Tumble Weed Heights, we made the short trip into the town below. Past the gas station, hardware store, BBQ place, with a right turn at Main Street. Every little town has a Main Street, right? The craft show had no more than 10 booths. There, a handful of customers milled about, looking at this and that. I bought artichoke spread, Strawberry Tangerine Marmalade, and Seething-Smoking-Hot-Burn-Your-Lips-Off Cherry Jelly, (Ace’s idea). Walking into a very small, local casino, I felt as if I’d entered a time machine. I’ve met the local owners a time or two. They run the town, and are good decent men. Manly-men. No non-sense men that are sure of their gender and role in the community. In fact, that town is made of manly-men and girly-girls that farm, mine, or raise children just like themselves. For me, its comforting to go there once in awhile to soak in the normal that so many of us boomers were raised with. The local diner sits in the back of this place. Donny Boy’s Diner. There, the most wonderful food I’ve seen in a very long time was being cooked by a chef that knew what the heck he was doing. A seasoned staff was efficient and precise, delivering plates overflowing with goodness to a packed house. Every table was full, with people waiting. Just like it used to be on a Saturday morning in anywhere USA. The experience made me want to return often. I have really been trying to diet. REALLY. Keto is the best diet in which I feel wonderful. I lose weight quickly and have tons of energy. It’s the CARB thing. Ruins my plans every time. Yesterday, the biscuits and gravy called to me, and I was not disappointed. Fresh biscuits so flaky and light, swimming in REAL homemade gravy. Bacon cooked just so. Eggs on the side. A great meal for a cow hand getting ready to ride the range. For a retired school teacher, might as well glue those biscuits right on my saddle bags. But, it was worth every morsel. In the last week, I have finished so many projects in the yard. The sprinkler system will remain a project for another day. Oliver has a new dog house now. Asparagus and rhubarb are sprouting. The peonies are straining with a heavy crop of growing blooms. Today, my book needs my attention, and life needs to return to quiet mode for a time. Miss Firecracker is making the rounds, saying her last goodbye’s before the moving truck rolls out of town at the end of the week. The thing about friendships and Good Bye is this. The next word is a glorious “Hello”. In short order, Miss Firecracker and her posse can expect a fun visit from me, just  west of Donner Pass. Life holds lots of happiness, appearing in different forms at different times. We all have responsibilities that sometimes require separation and focus. Just a fact of life. Relish your Hello’s and try not to ooze too much with Good Bye’s. As Joni would say, “And, the seasons, they go round and round, and the painted ponies go up and down. We’re traveling on a carousel of time.” Until tomorrow, enjoy today!!!