Planting A New Life

The neighbor walked by yesterday with his aging Schnauzer. He is a constant in the neighborhood, being the eyes of every detail around Rabbit Bush Range. I would suspect he is an ORIGINAL owner, which holds weight, as it should. Sixteen years of back-breaking work to develop a high desert lot into something beautiful should be applauded.

I love my ORIGINAL owner neighbors. They are respectful of their properties, keeping things in tip top shape. They know the history and order of which houses were built when the decade was brand new. They know the wind directions and historical weather patterns of the area. They have mature yards that they’ve nurtured and watched since they planted them almost two decades ago. With sadness, I realize that big changes will occur over the next five years, when beautifully quiet octogenarian neighbors are replaced with young families. I need to enjoy the quiet breezes now, before silence is shattered with newbies.

Respect for a culture and quiet settings is something that is lost on the young. People are amazed when visiting Winterpast. It’s so quiet you can hear the wind crossing the desert. Birds call to each other over long distances. There is the rumble of the train passing through town, and the Jake Brakes of the big rigs on 89A going right through town. Silence is a golden commodity in this day and age. A valuable commodity lost on most people.

This Original owner and neighbor has walked by Winterpast every day for a year with no more than a passing grunt. He’s a tall man in his late 70’s with snowy hair. He likes button shirts in plaid, and always wears shorts. He and his dog are very serious about their walks, seeming to be on a mission to get somewhere.

Yesterday, he heard me saying my Goodbye’s to my friend in the garage and looked our way. He waved and spoke right away.

“‘Hi, Joy! I haven’t seen you in a long while. I was worried about you with Covid around. You okay?”

“Sure! Doing great. Just been busy in the backyard. Have a nice day!”

Interesting that he did remember my name. I’m pretty bad with names of people that I’ve met one time a year ago. Awkward! Anyway, it was nice to know he is a friendly face that circles the neighborhood twice a day. It’s even better to know that he is someone that’s noticed that I’ve been absent. If if was yelling for help from the back yard, I’m pretty sure he would be the one to investigate.

It made me realize that everyone must think I died and mummified surrounded in the walls of Winterpast. Invisible, I have been cocooned inside during the winter months. The front yard is intimidating so I’ve been avoiding it. Whatever it becomes will be on me. I have some ideas about important features I’d like to see, but, the finished look hasn’t popped into my brain.

I’m considering something that will make every REAL gardener wince.


Yes. It’s true. I may move to the dark side and have fake lawn installed in the front yard only. In this day and age, fake lawn looks very realistic. It uses zero water and lasts for years. Just hose it off occasionally, and all is good. No mustangs eating up the greenery. No poop on the grass. Just a nice looking lawn that needs no care. I do have trees and bushes in the front yard that still need water. Winterpast needs some front yard greenery. Desperately. Stay tuned for the final decisions, yet to be made.

In the back yard, spring is busting out all over. My friend got the water running and plants that I never noticed last year are blooming. Tulips are almost finished. Dahlias are emerging. Iris are making a run at their show. The Peonies are all growing. The established plants are quite tall, while the newbies are a little more hesitant. But, they are all sprouting.

Blueberry buds are swelling. The new raspberry plant is going crazy. All the fruit trees are in bloom just in time for a spring rain that will fall today and tomorrow. The blackberry plant is unhappy. Today, I need to move it to another location.

I’d forgotten how much I love being outside. My skin is turning brown, healthy and glowing. Being out in the back yard is my happy place. Sunshine eliminates depression, and is necessary for our bodies to produce Vitamin D. Win. Win. If I never left the grounds of Winterpast again, I’d be quite happy. Without news from the outside world, I write and enjoy memories of my formerly frenzied life. My God Mother had it right when she told me to “Practice Lazy”. Although I’m not lazy in my actions, my mind is in a lazy trance of comfortable tranquility. The best kind of vacation you can take anywhere.

I must run. Spring cleaning may get put off until fall. But, there is a lawn to mow and hot tub in which to relax. Whatever you do today, make it lovely.