Analytical Thinking Foils A Crisis

Why, oh why, can’t I be an analytical thinker. Maybe, in some ways, I am and just don’t see it in the moment. But, for problem solving, I immediately go to the worst case scenario. In the case of Winterpast, that would be brown, barren soil with the remains of trees and plants void of green life. All water gone forever, the yard would become a headstone to former owners who knew what the hell they were doing when it came to gardening.

My front yard is almost in that state. I wonder what the neighbors think when they walk by the front and see the lack of plants. It’ll be planted again, I have just been fretting about the back. Specifically, the sprinkler system.

Then my analytical friend arrived on the scene.

It seems the controller for all emitters along the back perimeter had died a natural death over the winter. Sad but true. Nothing lasts forever, and this “Toro” bit the dust. It was interesting to watch testing of all electrical inputs and outputs, skillfully performed and analyzed. The first point of business was to purchase and install a new one. Done and done.

No Water, still.

I could see the plants dropping more. Trees that are blooming need extra water to assure a good fruit set. They struggled last summer, so this added stress wasn’t helpful. Cherry, apple, jujube, blueberries……. mournful under the high desert sun.

My friend then went into action. I’m sure the neighbors were laughing as they listened to our bantering. So natural, we just went into typical Man/Woman speak. Being great friends, some of the conversation was too the point, and less than polite. Both of us being thick skinned, it was all the more real, with a dose of attitude on both sides.

“Get the wrench.”

“Which wrench?”

“Not the crescent wrench.”

“The adjustable wrench?”

“No, the wrench.”

Finally producing a plumbers wrench, the next request.

“Get the screwdriver.”

“Phillips or flat?”

“A nut driver.”

The experience drove us both a little nuts, and I had to remember that politeness is still something I need to work on, especially if I intend to have any friends. I guess you could say it was a trying experience, that in the end, produced water.

It seems I have a broken valve that is buried deep in ground. Far deeper than my farm worn shovel could reach. I’ll need to call a plumber to fix that in the weeks to follow. But, the water crisis was averted with ingenuity that comes from analytical thinking.

I now have working water. Would I have been able to muddle through the process with the same outcome?

Absolutely not. That is a resounding NOOOOOOOO.

Would the process have cost hundreds of dollars? Affirmative.

As a woman alone, it’s hard for me to admit that I am not Superwoman with all powers necessary to allow me to reach tall buildings with a single bound. I’m just an un-analytical girl who isn’t very strong. Still cute, but quite bitchy at times. Grateful, but envious of someone that can fix a sprinkler system and make the plants happy.

My super powers lie elsewhere.

Going along this journey of life, we all need to remember to ask for a little help once in awhile.

Happy Gardening!