My Angel Driver, Insured No More

For over two decades, one very large and well-known company covered Home and Automobile insurance needs for VST and me. In the first years, it was rather like a new love affair. Low rates. Nice little emails. Attention to details on their part. Policies, like clockwork, would arrive in our mailbox. Although we never met with an agent, as people did in mid-century USA, we did often speak by phone. All was wonderful. Until it wasn’t.

Upon VST’s death, the insurance company was on my list of services of which to alert. As a widow, it’s unsettling to receive mail addressed to a late spouse. Nothing can ruin a day faster than mail for someone you wish would come around the corner to snatch it from your hand. When such mail arrives, I quietly write “Deceased” on the envelope and put it back in the mail to be returned to sender. This has extinguished most contacts. But, this insurance company decided to play ball a little differently.

I was informed that my insurance would “SKY-ROCKET” due to VST’s death. Their terms, not mine. In order to keep my lower rate, they would simple let VST “drive on” as the main policy holder until May 2021, nearly an entire year later. I informed them that, while VST loved to drive, he was no longer able to, being dead and all. Their response was the same. He would remain the primary driver on the policy to keep the lower rate, which would explode in price the following year.

This made no sense to me. Two cars with only one person to drive. It seemed to me the chances for a mishap were cut in half. I couldn’t drive both cars at once like a chariot racer. What were they thinking???? It occurred to me that, in case of an accident, I would simply jump in the passenger seat and say, “He did it.”

I continued to get bills addressed to VST, and even tried a second time to get them to understand. I have two cars, but, one driver. Me. A non-ticketed, no accident, wonderfully safe driver with zero claims in the past five years. No losses. No problems. The answer was the same. My insurance bill would balloon to astronomical levels in May of 2021 without VST at the helm. Both the auto and home owner policies would increase in price. This was insanity on their part. A very good customer with a perfect payment record now had incentive to jump ship.

With April almost upon us, I started to review insurance policies, such as the Home Warranty, which I spoke of a few days earlier. With May 2021 just around the corner, I decided to shop around and see if I could do any better. I didn’t have much hope, but, it was worth a try.

My insurance was tied to an association of which I have little in common, except my status as a senior citizen. American Association of Retired Persons (AARP). The magazines would arrive, cringe worthy and not representative of my thoughts, values, or mental age. They would immediately go in the trash. The only benefit was the wonderful discount on my auto and home insurance due to my membership. For years, the trade-off was okay. Now, there was no more trade off, and my affiliation was irritating on every level.

It was then, I remembered a conservative group called Association of Mature Citizens (AMAC). They offered all the same benefits as AARP, but would represent my views more closely. With a phone call, I found they also have an affiliated auto and home insurance company, also nationally recognized and reputable. I was in business.

I’ll warn you, shopping insurance takes the better part of a morning. So many questions about every aspect of your car and home. But, the results were astounding. By shopping, (and I did have a very good rate before), I saved $600 for the year between the two policies. Just like that, I found better coverage, even including hail and wind coverage for my house and RV barn. In the desert, that is coverage very important to include.

Before giving my old company the heave-ho, I tried one more time to talk to someone about fixing the problem of having an angel-owned policy. I was informed that my existing policy would increase in price by AT LEAST $150 a year, quite possibly more. It was impossible to remove VST from the policy until May 2021. Further more, new rates weren’t available until April 15th. It was then I knew very well where I could get 2021 rates. FROM A NEW COMPANY, Thank you very much.

So, as the song goes, “You Gotta Shop Around.” Just because you’ve had the same insurance for years, doesn’t mean it is the best or the cheapest. A reset in life can lead to better service. The old adage, “Vote With Your Dollar”, rings true in this situation. Take charge of needed services. Shop like you would for the best deal on a new pair of shoes. With savings like these, you can buy a few new pairs.