Another Snowy Morning in the Desert

This morning, the alarm didn’t go off, and neither did I. I fell asleep to raging winds last night, awaking to a beautiful morning of glistening snow. Just a dusting, mind you. Swollen buds and sprouting irises don’t do so well in this cold weather. My apricot tree, covered in blooms and bees will be complaining over this. I hope I get a few apricots with a second bloom, as the days warm.

The weather report is very encouraging from Saturday on. Days in the mid 60’s and nights above freezing. Hopefully, spring is upon us. Outside my window, two of the fattest little sparrows are eating the buds on the tree branch. They have rosy chests and plump little bodies. Everyone around here is ready for winter to end.

This morning, I’m going to do my best to stay present in the moment. There are so many things needing attention, being mindful is difficult. I just realized it’s time to shop for Auto and Home Insurance. What did people do before the internet? We were all at the mercy of insurance agents. I so remember when the agent would come out to the ranch to visit my mom and dad. Coffee was brewing in the Presto 12-cup Stainless Steel percolator with fresh home-baked goodies on the table. He was a valued member of the team, providing insurance against unforeseeable hazards and dangers.

Now, one simply shops online to compare the best rates for a specific situation. In 1973, the insurance agent looked around for watch dogs. It was desirable to have a couple to keep thieves at bay. Now, there is a complete list of un-insurable dogs. Thankfully, Cream-based, Piebald, Green-Eyed, Standard, Wire-Haired Dachshunds are not listed. Especially cute ones like Oliver, crazy as he is.

Perusing list after list of insurance choices to come up with a magical price, I realized I’ve been paying way to much for years. Yet again, another way that I will save money. I am enjoying this part of my life reset. Probably a good idea to dust off your copy of insurance policies to make sure your rates are competitive.

Yesterday, I chose a new Home Warranty Policy. New widows, listen up. If you own your home, this is a must. Home Warranty Policies are the best thing ever. You buy a yearly policy for around $500, depending on your situation and location. Then, when something breaks in your house, which things always do, you simply report the item to your company and they arrange a repairman. My fee with them is $75. That’s it. They repair or replace the item in question. You are all set. Matters not, whether a small light socket or your entire Air-Conditioning Unit. Repaired or replaced. For your one time fee. They arrange the technician in a timely matter, and handle the problem. Finito!

We have all had situations in which something breaks resulting in a huge repair or replacement bill. Who wants that? Check online. There are many companies providing this service, and it matters not how long you have owned your home, whether it is mortgaged, or even if you own it free and clear. Check it out.

The salesman from which I purchased my policy yesterday was knowledgeable about his product. He did try to upsell me on a longer, cheaper, better, and more wonderful option. I stuck with the one year plan. So, now, I hope I don’t need their services for the next year. With new appliances, just out of warranty, you never know. Summer is coming up and my AC unit could break. Something could short out my electrical system. Anything could go awry. So, this is my little hedge against disaster.

VST used to handle all these little details so quietly, I never really gave them any thought. He would have Bonanza playing in the background. While Hoss and Little Joe were solving the latest problem, VST was crunching numbers and finding us the best insurance for our situation. He never complained, but always enjoyed his duties in our partnership. He was good at those sorts of things. Now, I’m finding out, I am, too.

At the moment, the sun is shining in a hopeful kind of way. The winds are slowly moving some stray-gray clouds off to the East, revealing the bluest sky. The dusting of snow is melting slowly, perhaps being the last of the year. The trees everywhere are swollen with new life, but not yet leafing. Tuesday brings the garbage truck around, automated and efficient, moving slowly from house to house. Neighbors are bundled and enjoying morning walks, reminding me I need to get moving.

Moments in the present are so beautiful. There is so much to take in when just stopping to look through an open window. I could get lost for hours doing just that. Today, I need to accomplish some vital tasks. There will be more moments of mindfulness after I complete a few things around here! Enjoy your day!