Rejoice in the Little Things of Life

The time has changed, and I’m a little behind this morning. As I smile about my day yesterday, I’ll share with you what made it special. Just little things that unfolded throughout the day, that when rolled together, made the most beautiful day on which to reflect. I often forget to rejoice in a day full of little bits of happiness stirred with a dose of surprise.

Yesterday started out in very normal fashion. Feeding Oliver, enjoying the first cup of coffee, and blogging. All very enjoyable on any day. I’ve found the luxury of having my groceries delivered makes any day a grand one. You can’t imagine the delight I feel when the doorbell rings and my bags of carefully selected groceries await. A luxury I feel blessed to enjoy. At any rate, with my feeble brain, I forgot some key elements on my list, and needed to head off to Walmart to finish shopping.

The first bit of great luck was that they just put out the new swimsuits. Having just acquired a hot tub, a girl can’t have too many, so I bought a variety in different sizes. As it turned out, the three styles were made for me in my 65th year. No movie star or model body here, just a regular senior citizen body. Happiness strikes at the soul of any woman when she finds the right swimsuit. I found more than one! Home run!!!

As I was rejoicing over my find, a sweet girlfriend and I ran into each other and had the best chat! You know your town is not that new to you anymore when you meet a friend at Walmart. How wonderful!!! We visited about this and that, and decided we’ll have a dinner and soaking party in the next two weeks. She was bubbly, cute, and wonderful, as she always it. Again, happiness filled my heart, as I thought about how lucky I am to have wonderful family and friends.

Once home, the gardener came to spruce up Winterpast and prune my trees, not a task I could do myself. When I receive services that I’m unable to complete, I’m deeply grateful. The man who cares for my gardening needs is such a good guy. Referred by a neighbor, he too, is a friend. We enjoyed getting caught up after his long winter absence. Winterpast looks ready for spring now. Fresh and crisp under the brightest blue sky.

I also decided to go for a walk today. The first one of the year, it was the perfect day for it. I found that my walk is 23 minutes long, around a very busy neighborhood. Now, I pay attention to little details in the yards surrounding me, getting ideas for my front yard project. I.m taking note of which home owners own their own tractors and heavy equipment, in case I might have a need for such services. Every day, I rejoice in the choice I made when moving to my neighborhood. Such a beautiful place. I’m truly blessed.

As the day continued to get better and better, my sweet K called to check up on me. She is the most beautiful daughter anyone could ever ask for. As we talked, I remember that not all that long ago, I was her age, with sons of my own in their late teens. Where did the time go? She and I chatted about this and that. K is the most gracious and sweet soul, having had the worst year in her life with the loss of her beloved dad. She has grown so much through the loss, becoming even more beautiful. I am the most blessed to have her in my life.

Bearing two sons, I never really understood what it meant to have a daughter of my own. Through the saddest of days, VST’s daughter became my heart-daughter. In our conversations, I’ve shared about this crazy new life called widowhood, and she’s always been there to listen, even when I know it must be weird and hard. For that, I am tearfully grateful, as I rejoice at the love we share in our family.

Finally, I got a call from a dear friend that was craving a bit of homemade spaghetti. With the pot simmering full of Italian sausage, ground beef, diced tomatoes, basil, spices and goodness, I readied the house for dinner. Bringing laughter and sweetness into my life, I’m grateful for the day we met.

All these minutes were rolled into a normal day. Others might find my day mundane and boring. I find it was everything that a wonderful day should include. Great Weather, Family, Friends, and new bathing suits that fit. It really doesn’t get better than that.

Rejoice in the little things!!!! And check your clocks. The day’s a-wastin!