Aloha Is a State of Mind

Aloha. An essence of being: love, peace, compassion, and mutual understand of respect. Living in harmony with the people and land around you with mercy, sympathy, grace, and kindness. (Skyline Hawaii Adventures and Tours Blog)

With a powerful winter storm in full swing around here, the high was in the 20’s last night. Grey skies blanketed the desert and I stayed in, not even venturing out into the wonderfully warm waters of the new, covered hot tub. It’s just been too cold. Period.

As I practice lazy inside the walls of Winterpast, tidal memories take me back to the wonderful times spent in Hawaii embracing the Aloha Spirit found there with every visit VST and I made. So many times co-workers and family would question what it was that took us back time after time. It wasn’t the convenience, as there were hours of travel time to get there. It wasn’t the fabricated culture, which became tiresome after the first few trips. It wasn’t the status of traveling to such a far away beach, when the Pacific Coastline was mere hours away by car. It was Aloha.

Aloha is found in the air. In the sand. In the sky. In the smiles of people who feel and embrace it, once you are there. Hawaii is a brilliant treat for the eyes and soul. Plants and flowers growing there are almost unbelievable in their size, magnificent shapes, and colors. A pathos plant that struggles to grow in California, grows to the size of an elephant’s ear in Hawaii, as it’s tendrils climb telephone and power poles. Plant life thrives.

Spirits abound in the islands. Both those held by the living, and those dancing in the afterlife. The waves and trade winds perform beautiful duets, as people find their playful sides on the beaches and oceans. Time slows down. Love grabs your spirit by the hand. All of this while people smile and exchange Aloha.

Many times, while lounging on the beach, new dreams of fresh adventures would materialize in thought. Free from the day to day grind of life, our minds were free to soar like shore birds, considering the next adventures we might take. Evenings would find us enjoying sunset dinners, while celebrating life together. Neither of us could ever get enough of the island life.

When we finally retired, many friends and family assumed we would move to the islands to live out our retirement days. Both of us considered it, but decided that to move there would erase the magical side that we had enjoyed for decades. Our last trip was in 2013, when, after visiting for so many times, we simply told our co-workers we were headed to the beach. A dose of Aloha once in awhile can heal many woes and soothe aching hearts. Hawaiian music has a rhythm unique unto itself. When life gets overwhelming, a little island tune can make things better, returning me to a state of Aloha even when I find myself in the cocoon of Winterpast.

Watching VST learn the hula early on in our relationship was a memory I cherish. My clunky man, never having the benefit of dance lessons, did his best to sway and tap his toes to the music. Being a good sport, he did his best to try, while being adorned with a coconut bra and hula skirt. Even in this situation, it only took a look my way to smile and carry on. He was in a state of Aloha and good spirit. Love surrounded us and made even the most embarrassing situation funny and sweet. Hawaii changed everything, allowing us to vacation in a bubble of love and happiness, while we left the real world back on the mainland.

Hoping to return to the islands someday, the dream of Hawaii is alive and well in my heart. I think of how the air will soothe my dry skin and lungs. How the waves will sing me to sleep. How the beautiful trade winds will caress me and blow through my hair. How the Menehune will dance around me as I sit on the beach and look out over the bluest of seas. Love Aloha, but even more importantly, learn to LIVE Aloha. It may just fix what ails you.