Happiness Blooms, My Winter has Passed

It’s snowing right now. A strong, unexpected spring storm. Droopy white flakes fall heavily to the ground. The storm is lounging over the desert, causing motorists havoc and angst. As I sit in the safety of Winterpast, I wear a huge smile. My heart is at peace and I’m truly happy even though it would be understandable if I felt otherwise.

There always seems to be an “Even Though” that could snatch happiness away at any moment. Some days, clutching to happiness for dear life, I feel my smile slipping away. The other day, I started pondering the real essence of happiness, identifying for myself, those things necessary to be happy.

Experiencing a snow storm brings me to a mindful state. There are many observations to be made. One should first observe the roads. Winter snowstorms can be so intense, you could feel as if you are in the Donner Party, hopeless and alone. Before panicking, first look at the road. Outside my window, the road is clear as the warmth melts the snow. Focusing on the beauty, I ignore all the inconvenience a snow storm can bring, while focusing on the beauty of the snow flakes. Fresh flower bulbs wait safely in my garage for proper planting in the back yard. The tree buds haven’t begun to swell yet, still in their deep winter dormancy.

In a mindful state, my thoughts turn to grateful feelings I have for the beautiful place I live. It is stunning and alive. The snowstorm will transforming my little world for a short time. Like a child playing dress up, Winterpast is again cloaked in white. The work that awaits me in the next weeks is under the cover of snow. I’m so grateful for the safety of my home. In these days of Covid, how lucky I am to have such a wonderful refuge. Such a comforting home in which to smile and laugh.

Laughter is a huge part of my happiness these days. Big booming bolts of laughter have been shaking me to my core, as I am getting to know a brand new friend. Not just any friend, I must admit. A most unusual person, unlike anyone I’ve ever met before. As laughter ricochets off the walls, happiness is blooming around here. A good sense of humor is essential for any happy household, and Winterpast has been comedy central for the past few weeks.

After laughter has subsided, and friends have gone, solitude is readily available in this the age of Covid. I’ve found that being alone, and accepting the silence as an old friend has strengthened self-respect and self-love. The quiet gives me time to sort out my feelings. I can dance in the kitchen while making tacos for one, singing badly to my favorite ’80’s tunes. All the while, I find peace and contentment in my own little world of happy.

Writing every day, I’ve found my lifelong passion. As I do what I love, happiness grows. Through the years, I was blessed to have a teaching career that brought me satisfaction and contentment every day. My students were a constant reminder that living in the moment provides wonder. They were a teachable moment in gaiety, from the minute they entered our classroom, until the last one scurried home for the day. Happiness springs eternal days of youth. Looking back at childhood photos, the joy spans decades bringing me back to days of wonder and endless summers of cheerfulness.

As the days go by, I am finding I carry fewer regrets. Trying to grab at yesterday leaves one with a sore arm and an empty hand. Projecting into tomorrow sends us shooting arrows into thin air, with no assurance of where they will land. Today is the day to seize laughter, wonder, gratitude, forgiveness, and love, while being mindful of the beauty that surrounds us. True beauty is everywhere, but, it begins in a happy heart.

The snow is starting to stick to the pavement and I think I’ll be snowed in for a bit. Worse things could happy. For now, where’s the popcorn? I’m going to watch a comedy and laugh a little while.