Bon Appetit! For One? A Feat!

Meal time. Not sure about your situation, but, around here, meals for one are not fun to plan. Just a year ago, like clockwork, VST would remind me that mealtime was imminent. Just what would it be? Finding me deep in a project, he’d ask if I’d planned something or if we were on our own. Meals were always shared, so the answer was one of two. I had something in mind or we were going to hunt and gather. Always. VST didn’t cook.

Now, meal times sneak up, surprisingly stealth. Without another to share something prepared, my nutritional intake is out of whack. This is not healthy and it’s certainly not making me happy. Many days, my new Ninja 5-In-1 Grill sits shiny clean and ready to grill. My Omaha meats lay individually wrapped in their frozen state waiting for culinary inspiration. Having thrown away more vegetables than I care to report, I bought more today. I fear their fate is the same as the rest if things don’t change.

Breakfast around here is an easy fix. Doing very well on a high protein, low carb diet, eggs are my go to meal, scrambled with a spoonful of salsa if I’m feeling feisty. That with a cup of coffee and my motor is running. Off to the day, whatever that may hold.

After a protein snack at 10, lunchtime starts to get a little troublesome. I’ve found that Subway provides three meals of nourishment from a Foot Long sandwich. More days than I want to count, their fresh veggies and meats on freshly cooked bread have kept me alive. My town is very lucky to have a wonderful Subway with the sweetest sandwich artists. The sandwich bread provides my carbs for the entire day.

Dinner sends me over the edge. I’m not a great cook. Usually, I’m not even a kind-of-good cook. I really don’t like to cook, so what I prepare is usually not yummy. Eating alone brings out the need for culinary perfection, which I never attain. The Ninja has helped quite a bit, and there IS the ice cream maker, my star appliance. But, one cannot live on grilled burgers or ice cream alone. Here-in lies the problem.

As many of you know, I’ve booked a 15 day cruise in December. Just the thought of 45 gourmet meals at the ready is enough to cause a widowed non-cook to dance her best jig. Some may go to a spa for pampering. Just point me to the best diner in town and I’m in bliss. Homemade pie? All the better.

In research for today’s blog, I ran across a website called Looking at the recipes, it gives me hope that I could prepare any one of them and enjoy dinner again. The biggest trouble I’ve had is preparing a recipe which is designed for four people, while I’m just one. Not being a connoisseur of Left-Overs, there is always wasted time, money, and food. A terrible tri-fecta.

You would think that after 327 days, or 47 weeks of widowhood, I’d have this basic need figured out. I think back to the first days after losing VST in Virginia City (VC) when the local diner kept me alive with fried chicken, tacos, and cheese cake. Not cooking during Months One through Ten could be excused for a variety of reasons, but now, there is no excuse. I need to get it together in the kitchen and nourish myself.

One inspiring movie that got me to thinking about a kitchen challenge is Julie & Julia. A cute story about a young woman smitten with Julia Child who decided to take a year to create all her recipes and blog about the experience. The parts about blogging made me laugh, realizing anyone that has ever started a blog probably goes through similar emotions. If you haven’t seen the movie, you might enjoy it.

I’ve also started watching the Food Network, with holiday baking shows holding my attention. Being a baker at heart, let’s forget the other food groups and just focus on sugar, flour, fondant, and chocolate. Add some holiday pastel’s and call it good.

Thanks for listening to my latest lament about widowhood. I’m off to prepare a breakfast for a champion and start my day. Remember to nourish your body and soul, as you find your way through widowhood.