Snowmageddon Shut-in, Groceries Anyone?

Oh, the times in which we live! Splendid! Miraculous, some might say. Computers and phones make everything possible in this day and age. Even avoiding starvation while being trapped by a blizzard.

Snowmegeddon, which will long be referred to as the “Snow of 2021”, has arrived and I have now really screwed things up. VST was our premiere snow removal service. For all of his disabilities, he was up at the crack of dawn shoveling a dangerously steep driveway, a huge deck suspended 15 feet above the ground, and the back drive which involved walking the snowblower down the street, around the corner and up the back drive to our house. In retrospect, he loved the challenge claiming it was great exercise. I always appreciated his diligence and extreme dedication to this important task, all completed at 6200 ft..

I’d often ask him if he could just relax and let the snow fall where it may. Skip a day. For that, my faulty thinking would be mansplaned (new word — look up the meaning). Didn’t I know what would happen???? , he would ask in an amazed way. Not good amazement either. No. I didn’t really know, but it’d be nice to enjoy a cup of coffee with my husband.

The truth of the matter is, I didn’t know. Once you leave snow, it turns to a base of ice. A base of ice takes spring sunshine to melt. Living with VST, there was no empirical evidence to support this, because he removed the snow before the frozen base ever formed. I think you know where this is going.

When the snow started here, I relaxed with coffee in my cup and a movie on my screen. How delightful to just let the snow fall where it may. We’d just see about a formation of an ice-based, snow-covered skating rink. Besides, the snow shovels are stored outside in the shed. My little town receives very little annual snowfall, that being one of the reasons it was chosen. Unlike the feet of snow in VC, my little town gets inches. And not in one storm. Life was good that day. Calm. Un-shoveled, Pristine.

A day went by, and the next morning, things had changed. About 3″ of snow had fallen. Light and fluffy, crunchy under the footstep to the mailbox. Beautiful and smooth. It was a beauty I couldn’t disturb. Besides, the shovels were in the little shed out back. The sun would come out, melting it quickly. I happily retrieved the mail and never went outside again.

Yesterday, an additional 6 feet fell. I’m estimating here. It might be 12 feet. Okay, 6 inches. But, it might as well have been 12 feet, because now, I have an expansive area of ice covered snow, with more snow expected to fall throughout the day until tomorrow. Here I sit, clearly hearing one lone angel laughing his butt off. I can hear his booming voice saying, “I tried to tell her.” VST, you got me on this one.

With coffee creamer dwindling, my serious lack of driving skills in the snow, and ice covered roads, it seemed I’d be enjoying black coffee until that ran out. At that very moment, K called with a marvelous suggestion. Order groceries online. Who would have thought this was even possible?

After spending a short time walking up and down the cyber aisles of the local Raley’s, I finished my shopping with a deliver time of 4pm. Paying online, everything was done, including a generous tip to my delivery angel, yet unknown. I waited, taking time to freshen up my frig. More snow fell, now being too deep for retrieving the snow shovel from the little shed in the back. No safety line had been installed from house to shed. I could be lost in the drifts until the spring thaw. Again, heavenly laughter.

At 4:00 PM, in the middle of what I would consider a blizzard, but in reality heavy snowfall, the cutest woman drove up next to my open garage. She had eight bags of groceries holding the items I had selected earlier in the day. With a smile and wave, she was gone. The groceries were bagged nicely, with everything I’d selected now on my counter. This was truly a January miracle, I promise, I will experience again. No longer creamer-deficient, I have snacks and salads to last until next week when the sheet of ice melts.

Today, I’ll investigate the snow situation and make a path to the mail box. I might take the Jeep out to practice my 4-Wheel-Drive skills. Or, I may just put on another pot of coffee and binge watch Netflix for the day. Those shovels need retrieving, so please come back tomorrow to make sure I survived. This, too, will pass. My town doesn’t get heavy snows, don’tcha know???????