Shopping Extravaganza Day!

Oliver and I are in eager anticipation of our day, packed and ready to roll. Ollie will be visiting his friends at Doggie Day Camp, while I will be visiting two of my Besties to shop! It was brought to my attention that if asked to accompany someone to dinner, I have but three dresses. Three. Worse than that, they’re all summer dresses. Currently, the weather is anything but spring-like, with morning temps starting at 25 degrees.

Last week, my VC neighbor, Glass Wizard, phoned to see if I might want to go with another VC friend, Della Rio, on a shopping adventure. In my past life, I wasn’t a patient or thoughtful shopper. It seemed whatever I needed in the way of clothing could be found, purchased, and worn right off the stacks at Costco or Sam’s Club. Face it, VST and I were glampers. We lived in hoodies and jeans, or tees and shorts as we traversed the country. Seldom did we dress up when we were traveling.

VST, on the other hand, did involve us in a service organization in which it was necessary to own a tuxedo. He always looked so handsome as he left to attend meetings. I looked nice, too, when I dressed up to accompany him. We were a snazzy couple when we chose to be. Otherwise, we were just a cute couple of travelers that preferred casual fun.

I find myself looking in my closet and taking notes of everything that I need to replace. From dresses to shoes to everything in between. I haven’t even started with new makeup trends. I need an entire make-over, and tomorrow will be the day this begins.

Shopping for a new look is something every widow can enjoy. It’s been easy for me to spend too many days in my comfy fleece PJ’s, while staying in because it might snow. Note, I said it MIGHT snow. It hasn’t. It has been beautiful weather. There are so many reasons I can convince myself to stay inside and avoid venturing out. Today, my schedule will be infused with spring fashions and lunch at a tasty and tony Mexican restaurant in a lovely shopping center south of the city center. The three of us gal pals have lots to chat about.

After a day of shopping, I’ve decided to spend the night in town, rather than heading back to my little desert villa. One of the perks of living near a resort town is that there are resorts. Oh Happy Day. Reserved just for me, I’ll have a suite with a hot tub. I’m looking forward to room service and soaking. If I close my eyes long enough, I might be able to believe it’s the olden days, when VST and I would do something like this often. I plan to soak up resort life during my waking hours. I might even visit the spa for a wrap, just because.

Attending a virtual service group meeting last night, an interesting proposal was made by a housebound member. She requested that the group meet in person, with those having Covid concerns having the option of remaining virtual. The group agreed that being housebound is not necessary for everyone. I, for one, cannot remain housebound anymore. Tomorrow will be the first of many days I need to venture out and find normal for me. Solitary confinement is worse than any disease I can think of while killing my spirit.

Remember, as you head out, follow new protocol. Have a mask at the ready, with an extra along, just in case. Be sure to use lots of hand sanitizer and don’t touch your face. Keep six feet away from everyone else at all times. All that being said, find something outside the house to do today. Enjoy yourself and choose happiness. It’s a universal size and looks great on us all.

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