Bored Guy

Busily, I’ve been working on computer analytics. As a new blogger focused on writing, I’m now working on growing my audience. Each day, I spend more time learning about analytical programs that show trends with my readers. NOT being a computer geek, the going is rather slow. Each time I conquer another step, I’m victoriously thrilled.

Back in September, inspired by a podcasting friend, I really thought all I’d need to do was write. There were a few steps in between. Looking online for recommendations, Blue Host and Word Press were recommended for ease of use and cost effectiveness. I found this to be true on both counts. Then, I was off and running. When boredom would rear its ugly head, I’d write or work on my site. Suddenly, writing until lunch each day, I’ve found my best and last career. As of this morning, I have 1300 readers who have read 4450 blog posts, being from 38 countries. Even from Nepal!!! Hi, Nepal!! I love you Serbia!!! Hey, Moldova!!! Wait, sorry, I’ll continue here. If you’ve a desire to blog, don’t wait. Stories need to be told. Hearts need to be heard. Every writer makes an impact on the world, even in the most remote villages of Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, or Moracco.

Months ago, I messaged an online gentleman from Sacramento. Immediately, I was offline and back at my work after his two words of communication.

“I’m bored.”

How unattractive! How unimaginative! How unstimulating! How….well….for lack of a better term……BORING. Definitely not my type. VST and I never had time to be bored, jetting through life devouring every second. People marveled at our accomplishments. Full throttle was our normal.

Traveling through month after month of widowhood, boredom has reared its ugly head at times. Taking charge of the problem, an ongoing list of tasks was created. Whether I want to or not, I choose one when boredom strikes. Being busily bored I can accept, but idle whining is not in my wheelhouse. Forward movement cannot occur when distracted by boredom and self pity.

Boredom causes struggles at the helm of one’s personal ship. Kick it overboard. Think of it! As Senior widows, we can decided what to do, when and where. We can have lunch at 9AM or 5 PM. We can paint our bathroom in hot pink, if we choose. We can decorate our garage. Make our entire house a SHE-SHED. Sad? Yes! Of course! But, bored??? There’s always a choice better than boredom.

I love the challenge of learning something new and productive on the computer. While not easy, often eating up hours without success, it’s proving I can do something new and enjoy it. I’ve amassed many activities on my list of TRY’s. Publishing my first book. Painting in water colors. Landscaping with new varieties of plants. Vegetable gardening in the high desert. Photography. Planning my wardrobe. Revisiting Makeup. Driving across the United States myself, just once. There are so many new things I want to do, my dreams go on and on, while BOREDOM has no place.

Daily schedules keep me mindful of time and accomplishments. If lunch is at 11:30, my morning is used more efficiently. On days when boredom is lurking, I stay busy, marking things off when done. Before I know it, it’s dinner time and the finished projects cause a smile.

There are also so many ways to improve a boring day. Take a walk in the fresh, crisp winter air. Watch a movie that transports you to another place and time. Listen to your favorite music and dance a little. Call a friend and see if they want to meet for coffee. The list is endless. Just don’t revert to the “I’m Bored” statement. Once it’s uttered, it like an infection, spreading through body and mind.

What happened to Bored Guy??? I assume he’s still idling in PARK while whining that life isn’t as stimulating as activities during his childhood summer camp. Avoid that mistake! Pick yourself up, dust off the cobwebs, and find something new to occupy your thoughts and time. Life is gone in the snap of a finger, one minute at a time. Don’t waste it.

9 Replies to “Bored Guy”

  1. Hello everyone, it’s my first visiit at this website, and piece of writing is
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    articles or reviews.

  2. This was so interesting and fun to read. Many times our friends ask my hubby if he is bored since he retired 7 years ago. His reply…. “I have yet to be bored.” We too fill our days, minutes, and time together (and apart) with all sorts of activities – never finding boredom among them.
    Hope you are doing well. Have a great day!

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