Joyful Mornings, Silent Nights

I love the morning in a ridiculous way. At 4:45 AM, my eyes spring open, and I am first thankful that a new dawn is about to break. A daily miracle, it comes so quietly that at first it isn’t even noticed. Slowly, our eyes can see more and more of the outside world. Finally the day is born at sunrise, bright and shiny new. Strength is found in knowing many things positive and life affirming will occur and wait to be acknowledged.

Being a true morning person has had an affect on relationships from time to time. There are those in which the day can’t possibly start before 10 AM. There might be a stirring, or temporary wakefulness, but dreams again take over and sleep resumes. When I was a working teacher, I would love Saturdays in which I might have the luxury of sleeping in a little bit later. But, with farm chores those days didn’t come often. As a retired couple in the RV, the day was half over by 10 AM, with hundreds miles in the rear view mirror. Those arriving early at the next destination got the best spots. There would always be time to rest in the late afternoon before dinner. Through the years, morning routines were reinforced over and over.

Wondering what happens late in the night, I may try staying up past 8PM sometime. I wonder if the magic of the stars can persuade me to flip my internal clock. What different people would I meet and find common interests? Would they understand my views on life? Would they understand me at all? What activities does one undertake at 10 PM? What stores are open if you happen to need a bolt or washer for a DYI project at 9:45PM? Lighting is terrible at night. Things lurk in the shadows ready to pop out and grab you. The toads come out to eat my lawn at night, while the owls ask “Who”? All these things are so much easier when slept through.

I find that my nights are perfect for winding down the jitters of the day. Breathing in and out, anxious fears quiet as I find comfort in dreams. Darkness is a time for privacy, while listening to Oliver make soft puppy sounds in dreamland as he sleeps. I find comfort in hearing the distant train rumble through my little town, whistling at the crossroads to warn night travelers. The wind sings a lullaby, as I listen carefully to the weather the night brings. Even snow has the ability to muffle sounds of the night, making its presence known. Far away, other morning people prepare to end their days, as well. Ending our early shift, and letting others carry on through the dark hours.

Whatever type of person you are, try flipping for a day or two. See what programming catches your interest on television. Go for a walk and see the changed rhythm of the neighborhood. Venture out in the car, seeing what you might have missed. For me, morning will forever be my true love. Beautiful, egg and bacon, orange juice mornings. Sprinklers hissing, garbage trucks rattling, and the day rolling on towards noon. I love mornings. Have a great one.