Time is Precious

Some days are made for remembering. Yesterday was one of those days. Through emails and planning, I was expecting visitors at 10:00 am. I was not prepared to meet the cutest couple I have met in a very long time. I shall call them The Lovelies. The best descriptive name of two people sweet and dearly in love.

I remember being the couple people would gaze at and smile. VST and I had that. Mrs. Lovely was the daughter of the previous owner of WINTERPAST. The two had been married a little longer than VST and I, and made a striking couple. Handsome and beautiful, they complimented one other. A stunning couple.

When they entered WINTERPAST, I was relieved that they approved of how I am caring for the place. It was obvious that this was a place of the happiest of memories and events. I could almost hear the children wrestling on the lawn outside as they told of family gatherings and how much their parents had loved the home. They shared their emotional ties, like bows placed here and there, with stories about times when they were the ones who’s hearts WINTERPAST held.

What they couldn’t know is that those memories opened a window into what I want to experience here. Parties, visiting neighbors, and life long friendships. WINTERPAST holds the promise of those for me.

As I watched this couple I was reminded that time is fleeting. Just last year, VST with his tool belt of wizardry, was reinventing a laundry room for me and building a closet. Thinking back, it would have been time well spent if we would have gone for a walk, or spent a few more minutes holding each other. We were always so busy, forgetting to take an extra few minutes to cuddle in front of a movie, or talk about our secrets late into the night. What I would give for one more evening with him.

The Lovelies are daily readers, and for them, the blog came to life. Oliver was his 2.5 year old puppy self. Crazy and wild with excitement, he had new victims to pull in with his green eyes. This dog has a personality that consumes anyone that meets him. They fell victim to his overwhelming cuteness and wiggles.

Showing the house to them gave me a chance to see it through new eyes, again. I marvel at how all my things magically appeared in the right spaces and spots. Of course, I was the one that decorated, but, it still amazes me at how my things fit perfectly here in this new nest of mine.

Sharing almond poppy seed bread (Krusteaz–bake it 5 minutes less than the box says–so darn delicious), and coffee, a new friendship was formed as I watched them experience the house again. Like taking in fresh air, I’m sure memories of everyone they loved filled their heads as they sat in a new, very old and familiar space.

Beautiful doesn’t even begin to explain our visit or them. I hope that the memory of being back at WINTERPAST comforts them as they think loved ones that sit with VST now, watching over us. I know this beautiful couple already has the secret. Time slips away far too fast. Embrace dreams, but more importantly, embrace each other. Take time. Talk. Snuggle. Enjoy the essence of something so brilliantly beautiful. Make memories as fast as you can. You will never regret doing that.

Yes. The Lovelies came knocking yesterday. What a treat to meet them. I hope they come back soon.