Don’ Trip on the Dog Bed

The simplest of errors can cause one to have a restless night with a very swollen ankle. My advice for the day. Don’t trip on the dog bed. Here is the entire story, with all the details included for prying minds.

After having breakfast and a lovely morning, I was planning to get dressed and have one more run at Christmas shopping and food gathering for the next few days. Simple as that. With the purchase of the new couch, I’d moved everything around in my living room, but hadn’t bookmarked their new places in my memory banks. The dog bed was in a high traffic area, and I made note of this, but hadn’t moved it.

Into this mix, add the fact that I have Size 11 feet that are always getting jumbled up and waiting to trip me. Even on my best days, I’ve always been a clumsy mess. With VST at my side, he more than once saved me from terrible falls. I’m in awe of anyone that can actually do a sport, as that is way out of my ability. Let’s have a writing contest, and I’m in. But, a game of anything that involves movement of the body involves injury for me. It’s a given.

So, yesterday, I tripped on the dog bed and came down in a very unflattering fashion heaped on the floor on top of my poor ankle. It made terrible noises as this happened. Then, there was silence and pain. Immediate. Oliver enjoys private time in his crate after we write. He’s still a puppy and into things he shouldn’t be. So, he enjoys Puppy Time Out while I fix my breakfast and get ready for the day. Slowly, I inched my way to his crate, in which he was rather frantic at seeing Mom-Oh on the ground. Together, we thought about the situation for a bit, while assessing the damage.

No blood. Good. No protruding bones. Good. Foot in same snake-like shape. Good. Pain. Not good. If foot moved…more pain. Really not good.

After minutes of thinking of a plan, I contacted Daughter, who said I should wrap the ankle to prevent more swelling. I took Advil– maximum dose. Immediately started ice and elevation, (continued throughout the day and night). Miss Firecracker flew into action and ran to the drugstore, delivering an Ace Bandage, the cutest Santa, a box of cookies, and a Get Well card. The best friend in need, is a friend in deed.

For the rest of the week, I’ll be watching old movies with this swollen ankle elevated and on ice. I’m able to hobble around to take care of the necessities. Oliver is watching over me and had a talk with me last night about the placement of the dog bed and retention of such information. He also gave me lots of kisses and is making sure I’m not too lonely. He assures me that if I had to have a Super Power, he prefers writing.

I hope everyone remains upright. Don’t trip over anything. In this Christmas season, things are often moved from their usual places. Keep an eye out for trip-able objects. Have fun planning for the next two days. Stay warm and happy. Love to you all.