100 words

1900’s models, we met, divorced from past love. Hello, Old Friend. Will you? Yes! 32 years married. We coupled while happy, sad, inventive, supportive, argumentative, passionate, trusting, and honest. Best friends, we embraced our good sides and accepted our bad. We ran through life holding hands, grieving deeply at life’s losses while rejoicing success.

Gripping the trifecta of Health, Time, and Money while enjoying retirement, we skidded into Cancer’s grip, never seeing it coming.

Nine weeks in 2020. Sickness left skin, bones, and my broken heart as he snuck away into death’s final Forevermore.

I grieve alone.


I am always looking for new and unique ways to express myself. Some days, I experience minor writer‘s block, but, most days, my words are a conscious stream of energy that pours through my fingers in two hours or less, including editing. I enjoy the fact that the pieces come together as I visualize them, easily and effortlessly, once the topic and title are chosen. With that gift, I am blessed.

So, when I saw the challenge of explaining a relationship in 100 words, I decided to try it. Good writers need to limit words once in awhile to choose more descriptive phrases. The fewer words one has to work with, the more creativity is required to say things in just the right way.

Volumes would be needed to describe VST. Mr. Melon Head, as a dear friend referred to him, had a lot stored in his massive brain. He was a complicated man that took life seriously. A big, old softy. A ruthless business mind. Great judge of character. A man that loved deeply and completely. He was Dr. H to me on romantic cards we exchanged on holidays. I was Mrs. H. Forever, he will be VST, and to those closest, such as Auntie TJ, who gave him the name, he will forever be missed.

I challenge you to try writing about someone you love, using only 100 words. If you are writing with Word, you right click and a box will come up on the bottom of the screen. In that box is a counter, which will tell you how many words you have written. Very helpful to know. Have fun with a concise description of your loved one. 100 powerful words can say so much.