Internet Dating

Being a new widow is incredibly lonely, we can all agree. When widow’s fog starts lifting, the wilderness is quite stark. In my case, I have given you a view into my very rich life with VST. All that is categorized in memories now, leaving me to chart a new course. I miss having a friend to hang out with, just to enjoy day to day things.

I am a healthy woman. At 64, I am on zero medications. My last cold was three years ago. I do not suffer from arthritis, lumbago, vertigo, spontaneous combustion, projectile vomiting, or hives. Nothing. I’m healthy. I do not question this, but thank God for giving me such an amazing body in which to live. I know my limitations, wishing I could hike the Pacific Crest Trail just once in my life, but, that isn’t possible. I refer to myself as a normal 64 year old woman.

So, being normal in this age of Covid, and being left to what choices remained, I decided to try my hand at internet dating. One morning, being very cautious, as VST led me to be, I found myself at WalMart buying a $100, non traceable credit card to make my purchase of PREMIUM Services. Without PREMIUM services, some sites don’t even let you see pictures of gents you might SMILE at. At the Rounder with a million choices, I knew every person in Walmart was looking and thinking, “OHHHHHH, the Widow Ho(WH) is going to go online now.” Funny, our minds can sabotage so many things. Far from any WH, terrified, and queasy from the experience, I paid for the card and raced home.

I did a Consumer Report’s comparison of sites and picked “The #1 Choice With Singles Over 50.” Wouldn’t you?

Now, if you have ever gone online just to pass time, there is a different kind of website you might go to, as I have. More relaxing and just as good a chance of finding a real date, (wait for explanation of what that is in a bit). Wonderful, beautiful site with lots of choices for visual entertainment. The one that is the best comparison to internet dating is the African Watering Hole. As I watch this very moment, the comparisons are astounding.

First, I notice the birds chirping in the background. This would be comparable to the profiles everyone writes about themselves. Everyone who internet dates is the following. An outdoor expert who skis, kayaks, snowshoes, snowboards, hikes 500 mile weekends while carrying all necessary camping gear and a telescope for star gazing. They pack along 5 Star meals that they have cooked on their very own Wolf brand camping stove. Their BMI is under 5. They are a perfect 6’1″ with children and grandchildren that are all beautiful. They want only those to answer that align with their astrological sign, political views, knowledge of DYI projects, and gardening skills. On their down time, they review wines and travel extensively to Italy to help with grape selection for the next year’s award winning vintage.

I notice the beautiful setting at the African pond. Now, many people think it prudent to post the following in their photo gallery. Pictures of sunsets. Their new mani/pedi. Their pets. The ceiling. Their boat, motorcycle, garden tools, or cars. They post pictures of themselves on the Great Wall of China which from the year 2000. And the list goes on. All pictures are as beautiful as the African watering hole I am looking at, except when they are not. Men without their hair combed. Beards. Lots of beards. Combed and uncombed. Muscle shirts. No shirts. EWWWWWWWWW. All respectable and approved by the site. All telling individual stories without saying a word.

My African watering hole is often void of any animals, another comparison I have made. There are days that no new individuals view my profile. Days and days go by. The same individuals “stop by” to view my profile with not even a smiley face. Just an alert from the Internet site that these gents viewed my profile. Hmmmm. Okay. This becomes tiresome, but, also, these guys have become like brothers. They check on me in the morning. They check on me in the evening. Just checking to see if my profile is alive and well. Nothing more. Not a message sent. Not a word exchange. Like window shopping, really. Drive by Internet profile visits.

The types of animals I am seeing on Explore.Org as I write this today are elephants and Mud Ducks. The elephants are sunning themselves, after wallowing in mud. They all are practicing social distancing, staying exactly the same distance from each other. They are quiet and slow. They all seem a little irritated with each other and this Social Distancing thing. The Mud Ducks are another story. They are on high alert. Although also enjoying the venue, they are ready to spook and fly away at the slightest alarm. I am the Mud Duck in this scenario. I am watching for alligators, unseen. Hippo eyes bulging just above the water line ready to charge. I am watching the irritated elephants trumpeting, but keeping social distance. I am also alert and listening for predators lurking in the grass.

A giraffe just wondered in. His human counterpart are those of us that have stuck our necks way out in this endeavor, only to find out it is very complicated to get close enough to the pond to get a drink. Our legs and neck are way to long to drink and watch for all the lurking dangers out there. We just stand around thirsty, most days.

The comparisons are endless, but there is one thing I must share that I have learned through this experience. BEWARE OF SNAKES IN THE GRASS.

Now, we all know the internet is a dangerous place. Until you have really vetted a person out by meeting friends, family, and the dog, you know them not. If you are not invited into their real life, beware. If they do not share even one name of a close friend, pay attention to that. If they only contact you at certain times of the day, they may be on a milk run for their baby mama and five children at home. But, there is a bigger danger.

Beware the Male Lion of Prime Age. Mane glistening. Demanding control of the pond, so to speak. His photo is a thing of beauty. A perfect 6′, always. Educated. A world traveling, fit and fun Romeo who is looking for the love of his life to share the pristine beaches of Key West with, while on your first world tour of many. Your heart stops when THIS guy views your profile. You nearly faint when he sends you…………..A HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You nearly SWOON when he sends you a long email about how you are the most beautiful creature he has ever seen. You are the one that he is longing to know all about. Every detail, and spare none, because he will sit and read every one. ON AND ON AND ON……BLAHBLAHBLAH.

If you listen to no other advice listen up here. This guy does not exist. He is to be blocked, before you become an internet victim of that LION. Period.

Here are a few ways to identify them, and these predators are prevalent. A picture that is too perfect. A profile that has odd mistakes in grammar. A profile written with horrible punctuation. A profile that talks a lot about finding their perfect life long love. Writing describing a PERFECT individual who understands perfection doesn’t exist. Red Flags should be popping up when you see these things.

They will insist that you tell them all about yourself. If you turn the question around, they disappear into the countryside. Give them NO information. In fact, give NO ONE any personal information until you have spent time “talking” to them online. These LIONS will also immediately try to cut you from the heard to enjoy sharing more, if only they could talk to you on YOUR email address. They will send you their phone number so you can talk more. Always decline politely, until you have enough information about them to know they are not a cloud based boyfriend. The smallest grammatical error can identify them. So read carefully.

The bottom line is this. For me. I am a normal 64 year old woman. I’m not going to attract the likes of a movie star. Not even present day Tom Selleck or Harrison Ford. Not even. 65 year old seniors, men or women, are Old Goats. Period. Some have fared better than others. But, look in the mirror. Turn profile visits into real meetings very carefully.

I have met five men for either coffee, breakfast, or ice cream. All men were very sweet. Truly. Just not a match for a future meeting at the watering hole. I spent a long time talking to each one online, then a longer time talking to each one on the phone. We met at very public places and I watched my rear view mirror when I left to make sure they didn’t follow me home. I have been stood up once. I met one special gent that quite possibly saved my life for real, over dinner, involving an ambulance ride on our first date. We may both be Mud Ducks, that remains to be seen. For now, we are Geographically Unacceptable (G U) friends.

As promised, the definition of a REAL DATE is the following. One person asks the other if they would like to accompany them on the date. Dating parameters are agreed upon, as is the time. At agreed time, the door bell rings, and one person arrives to pick up other person and escort them to agreed venue. Pleasantries are exchanged during date. One person returns the other person in same condition they were in when they were taken from their home. This concept has been lost on many people.

Internet dating is a great place to start a list of what it is you are even looking for in a FRIEND. Period. If you would not be friends in life, such as the lion and the gazelle, what hope is there for you in the future? Also, make sure if you live near the African Watering Hole, you don’t accept profile visits from someone living in Katmai Alaska with the bears. This is GU. GU relationships seldom work, are cumbersome, and a nearly impossible to really get to know someone. Only date within a distance that you are capable and willing to drive.

I hope this information has been helpful to those of you that are thinking about Internet “Dating”. Be careful and smart. Always tell at least two people the entire name of the person you are meeting, the type of car they will be driving, where you are going and when you will be back. Always meet in a public place and look your very best. If possible, give the waitress a “Head”s Up” that this is your first meeting. Just share that when they come to ask for your drink order. Park within view of windows of businesses. Watch your back when you leave. Never give your address out until you have information about the person you are just meeting. Make sure a close neighbor knows you are entertaining someone you don’t know well. My neighbor and I have a code word that only we know. If I call her and say the word, she will come ready to Ninja Kick unwanted person out.

I will be sharing any new updates about my experiences in the future. Just remember, Internet Dating and the African Watering Hole are so alike. For now, I am learning a lot about myself through this experience. I am hoping that somewhere out there, there’s another Mud Duck wanting to meet.