Caring for Ourselves, One Day at a Time

Two nights at the lake await me this morning. As I pack up the last things, I am so proud that I have not forgotten to do things that bring me happiness. Traveling has been a huge part our lives since we both retired in 2017. So, heading to the Sierra’s for rest and relaxation is perfect for me.

Adventures remembered bring a smile to my heart. I fell in love with the Eastern Sierra’s over twenty years ago. VST was the man who introduced me to places like Mammoth Mountain, June Lake, Twin Lakes, Bridgeport, Bishop, Mono Lake and Lee Vining. Many times, we ran to these places when life got to be too much. Always, we found comfort when we visited. I feel closer to him when I return to them.

Oliver will spend two nights at puppy camp. I will sleep in, blog later in the morning, eat too much, and enjoy the view. I plan to shop, walk, drive around the lake, and be a normal tourist. I am learning to be the travel buddy I would most like to be with. Awkward and forced for now, I am hoping that it will be as natural as breathing as the months pass.

The last time I tried this in August, the California fires were raging. I went on my first planned outing to celebrate the word for Month 5, Adventure. With Covid still having its grips on tourism at the lake and the smoke choking everyone while eliminating any view of the lake or mountains, my Adventure was anything but. Today, I plan to set that right, and have a wonderful time while spreading Aloha, the Word for Month 7.

If it has been awhile since you have been out of the house on an adventure, don’t wait any longer. Plan something that is just right for you. Something new and exciting. The world is rich with possibilities in our own back yards. Even a walk at a different time of day can provide new people to meet and things to see. Pamper yourself with kind thoughts and words from your heart to your brain. Wave at the neighbors. Practice smiling again. Live in the moment. Expect something wonderful is just about to happen. You won’t be disappointed.